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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Negative Recruiting - Quick Question

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i would also like to point out that fuller has nebraska, alabama, rutgers at the top of his list, all are pretty vocal coaches in my book. kid apparently dont mind being coached!

Exactly. Many on this thread are quick to point out that TM was wrong and was justly chastised, but few point out that Bo was also wrong and that he was justly chastised as well.

Anyway, I wish I hadn't brought up the subject. Seems as though I opened an old wound.

I admit that a lot of successful coaches get angry and yell at their players, and for me yelling is acceptable. But aggressive physical contact is not acceptable to me....chest poking, grabbing a players face mask, and so forth.

Maybe I am sensitive to it because it happened to me when I was in 8th grade. I was a running back and during practice I missed a block on a blitzing linebacker. The QB got sacked and then suddenly, POW, some coach kicked me right in the butt as hard as he could. Boy did that piss me off. However, it probably helped me to avoid making that mistake again. I think it is called negative reinforcement. It works. However I prefer positive reinforcement...it doesn't hurt as much.

Paramus, Don't you know when you're outgunned? Give it a rest!
Paramus, Don't you know when you're outgunned? Give it a rest!

Good advice. Thanks. I got beat up pretty good. Like I said, I wish I hadn't brought it up. It was just one indcident. It's over and nothing like it has happned since. Anyway, I think the posters are right. I doubt that video is being used as a negative recruitng tool.

Bo was my first choice to be Callahan's replacement. I think he is the right guy at the right time. He just needs more playmakers right now. Our D-line couldn't pressure the QB this year. Mobile QBs did us in. I think if you add Suh, Gomes, and Akumara to this years team, we could have won the BIG.

The offense should be good next year, but with David, Crick, and Dennard gone, I wonder who will be become our defensive difference-makers next year. I'm not sure if we'll have any.

I doubt that video is being used as a negative recruiting tool.
He just needs more playmakers right now.

No, it won't be used as a negative recruiting tool..... IF CERTAIN PEOPLE WOULD NOT BRING IT UP IN A RECRUITING THREAD!!!! Also, probably the biggest "playmaker" that Bo is trying to get is the Jersey QB you brought up in the thread title! ...and you wonder why you got "beat up pretty good"? You see, thats what trolls do, and thats what it looked like you were trying to do, in your innocent "golly gee, did I absent mindedly put a negative spin on NU's biggest recruiting target? Gosh sakes, didn't mean to do that..." yea, right.

It looked like you had a much bigger AGENDA than you are admitting to now. I don't know though, why don't you tell us. GO B1G RED!
Only programs that would go back two seasons to attempt to find a fault in the competition's coach is a program that doesn't have enough positives to showcase about their program.

Anyone concern that an event where as the player was directly in the wrong and got yelled at on the sideline as being a hinderance in our recruiting obviously has not paid attention in the last what....15 months. I believe we have had a recruiting class since then and this class is shaping up well also.

And I would like for you to give it a rest, by saying that you will rather play for TO than Bo for the assumption that TO wouldn't yell at you. Ahmad Green, Deonte Grixby, Damon Benning.....very close friends of mine have all talked about moments when TO has had to raise his voice to correct something he didn't like or agree with. Your tough guy act on the keyboard fools no one. If you are tough enough to grab you head coach's finger when he pokes you for you breaking a team rule and obviously making a comment after he has voice his disapproval of it on the sideline, then you should be tough enough to take the correction. You should also understand a soft voice coach could never bring a tough attitude to a program that was soft enough to had a HC and AD change. You won't find not one coach at this level that does get the fiery in his eye in practice with his team. Not one. Every successful coach does so. It's a matter of what are you yelling about rather than if you are yelling. If a player is that soft, that they are offended by yelling and finger pointing (which that finger pointing didn't hurt as it went into the shoulder pads not TM's chest) then how are you going to lead a physical football team?

Fuller obviously isn't effected by the video of this as he has since moved NU to his top 3 schools and sounds like he's leaning in our direction. He's also visited Lincoln and gave us a high grade and has talked about how he loves the coaching staff in interviews.
You're right it's Bo's team. But I'll say this, If Bo had done that to me, he wouldn't do it again. I think I would have grabbed his finger and tried to dislocate it.

The point is, there are HS players out there who may think that kind of behavior is pretty repulsive. Not the kind of coach they want to play for.

I guarantee, TM is getting 5 times worse in pile ups on the field. He's a big boy, now. He can take it.
You're right it's Bo's team. But I'll say this, If Bo had done that to me, he wouldn't do it again. I think I would have grabbed his finger and tried to dislocate it.

The point is, there are HS players out there who may think that kind of behavior is pretty repulsive. Not the kind of coach they want to play for.

And most of those players never see the field at this level.

Exactly. Many on this thread are quick to point out that TM was wrong and was justly chastised, but few point out that Bo was also wrong and that he was justly chastised as well.

Anyway, I wish I hadn't brought up the subject. Seems as though I opened an old wound.

I admit that a lot of successful coaches get angry and yell at their players, and for me yelling is acceptable. But aggressive physical contact is not acceptable to me....chest poking, grabbing a players face mask, and so forth.

Maybe I am sensitive to it because it happened to me when I was in 8th grade. I was a running back and during practice I missed a block on a blitzing linebacker. The QB got sacked and then suddenly, POW, some coach kicked me right in the butt as hard as he could. Boy did that piss me off. However, it probably helped me to avoid making that mistake again. I think it is called negative reinforcement. It works. However I prefer positive reinforcement...it doesn't hurt as much.

Maybe you shouldn't of missed that block....you should work on your footwork and study your playbook
No, it won't be used as a negative recruiting tool..... IF CERTAIN PEOPLE WOULD NOT BRING IT UP IN A RECRUITING THREAD!!!! Also, probably the biggest "playmaker" that Bo is trying to get is the Jersey QB you brought up in the thread title! ...and you wonder why you got "beat up pretty good"? You see, thats what trolls do, and thats what it looked like you were trying to do, in your innocent "golly gee, did I absent mindedly put a negative spin on NU's biggest recruiting target? Gosh sakes, didn't mean to do that..." yea, right.

It looked like you had a much bigger AGENDA than you are admitting to now. I don't know though, why don't you tell us. GO B1G RED!

I didn't think about that. Never thought that Fuller would become cognizant of what is on this board. Maybe it would be in the best interests of NU football to have Max delete this thread.

The only reason I brought it up is because a guy I work with touched on the subject at lunch last week and I thought it mgiht be a worthwhile topic for this board. There was no ulterior motive.
Only programs that would go back two seasons to attempt to find a fault in the competition's coach is a program that doesn't have enough positives to showcase about their program.

Anyone concern that an event where as the player was directly in the wrong and got yelled at on the sideline as being a hinderance in our recruiting obviously has not paid attention in the last what....15 months. I believe we have had a recruiting class since then and this class is shaping up well also.

And I would like for you to give it a rest, by saying that you will rather play for TO than Bo for the assumption that TO wouldn't yell at you. Ahmad Green, Deonte Grixby, Damon Benning.....very close friends of mine have all talked about moments when TO has had to raise his voice to correct something he didn't like or agree with. Your tough guy act on the keyboard fools no one. If you are tough enough to grab you head coach's finger when he pokes you for you breaking a team rule and obviously making a comment after he has voice his disapproval of it on the sideline, then you should be tough enough to take the correction. You should also understand a soft voice coach could never bring a tough attitude to a program that was soft enough to had a HC and AD change. You won't find not one coach at this level that does get the fiery in his eye in practice with his team. Not one. Every successful coach does so. It's a matter of what are you yelling about rather than if you are yelling. If a player is that soft, that they are offended by yelling and finger pointing (which that finger pointing didn't hurt as it went into the shoulder pads not TM's chest) then how are you going to lead a physical football team?

Fuller obviously isn't effected by the video of this as he has since moved NU to his top 3 schools and sounds like he's leaning in our direction. He's also visited Lincoln and gave us a high grade and has talked about how he loves the coaching staff in interviews.

Like I said, Coaches raising their voice is OK, it's the physical contact that I don't like. I am sure TO raised his voice in practice, But I don't recall ever seeing him do it on the sideline. I saw him raise his voice at the officials, but when his players made errors, he would instruct them like a teacher...and he never yelled. The most angry TO sideline moment I ever saw was when TF was a freshman or sophmore in an Orange bowl game. He started scrambling and got sacked for a 20-yeard loss near our own goal line. Tom stomped his foot on the ground and shook his head in disgust, but when TF came to the sideline after that, TO talked to him sternly, but he didn't yell.

In the 1995 OB game, we were on the Miami 15 yard line and Brook Berringer, who was trying to throw the ball away, accidently threw an intercepton in the end zone. Now in that situation, a NC game, You can bet your life savings that Bo would have chewed him out but good. But TO did not say anything to Brook. He simply went over to TF and said, "put your helmet on, you are going in when we get the ball back." TF played the remainder of the game and we won the NC. No yelling was necessary.

Devaney could get vocal, but he never put his hands on a player, Saban gets angry and chews his guys out sometimes, but he never puts his hands on them. Raising your voice in anger/fustration is OK (to a degree), but I think coaches should keep their hands to themselves.

I like Bo's passion. He is a perfectionist and a discipinarian, and that is what a good FB coach needs to be. He holds his players accountable and expects them to do their best as players and as students. He hates to lose. He knows what it takes to be a champion and he will doggedly try to get NU to the pinnacle.

I will never expect Bo to be like TO. TO is stoic, Bo is emotional. All coaches have their own personalites. Bo's emotions got the best of him in the past. He has been flagged for it and one time was reprimanded by Mr. Perlman. However, Bo did not have any major outbursts this year, so obviously he is growing as a HC. Bo has said that his is always trying to learn and get better as a HC. He is still young. Experience will cause Bo to get better just as it causes a young player to get better. Anyway, I am really glad Bo is our HC. I can't think of someone I would rather have right now. I think Bo loves NU football just like we do. I think he has been converted....He's a Nebraskan now. I don't think Callahan ever converted.
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"Bob Devaney never put his hands on a player"... You are not serious.. the facemask was the BobFathers favorite attention getter!
"Bob Devaney never put his hands on a player"... You are not serious.. the facemask was the BobFathers favorite attention getter!

Yeah! I caught that too!

I think there are a few players that played for Bob that would be quick to refute that! Heard one on the radio a while back that said that when Devaney found him on the sideline after a mistake on the field he was first afraid that Bob was going to rip his facemask off, and then he wasn't sure that he was still on the team until well after he'd showered and was walking the halls afterward.

And this was a former All-American talking.
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