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Nebraska vs Iowa (11/23/18)

Same old story. Can't cover TE's, can't stop physical run game . . . and pressures always seem to run right into a blocker who stuffs it. Defense has come a log way from last year's debacle, but it's gonna be a bumpy ride to get significantly better on that side of the ball.

Doesn't matter how hyped you are if you dont do your job..... Terrible coverage, bad gap assignments, poor angles. Lots to clean up to keep this from being a shootout.
Not sure they did anything our guys were not ready for, and can't really expect the d line to all of a sudden not get pushed around. They will need some help.

Well, the first two plays were nice. After that, they just shredded us with physical play.

Certainly impressive. Iowa simply trusts what it does. Nebraska is probably a little scared of the TEs right now - with good reason - an a bit tentative. Very nice drive by the Hawkeyes.


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