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Nebraska hosts Minnesota - 3-24-2018 - Game 2 - **2:05 pm**- Haymarket Park

Yes...Smith, Johnson, Williams

my info was wrong. :)

3 up and 3 down

to the top of the 4th
I have to pay more attention
to the game :)
Brown comes in 4th

I guess, Smith overcame
Johnson!! At one time,
it was Johnson, which I
was surprised..thinking it
was Smith!!

McDevitt ab

back to work!! :)
no more blah, blah, blah!! :)

bunt to 3rd....called safe at
1b..foot off the bag?

Darin thought it was a foul ball

hang on

Coffey ab
lost the argument!

sq bunt
front of the plate
throws it away past 2nd!!
Here we go, again!!

no one covered 3rd
big error!!



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