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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Minnesota Coach Kill suffered an epileptic seizure at halftime today

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Has Kill had seizures the past two years other than those that have happened during or right after football games? I think the answer to that question tells us a lot.

Yes. It was because he had a seizure back in '05. When they did the MRI to see if they can find the cause, they found his cancer. He's stated during this past offseason that he's had them. They only get airtime because they aren't during a game.

Formo, no known trigger, but certainly some environments that are associated with the presence of the seizures. Between the internal stresses, the loud noises, and the visual overstimulation, there are lots of things that are typical triggers for seizures at Big 10 college football games.
Certainly. Lack of hydration is thought to be a trigger. That's a trigger that is typical for any type of activity, especially during the summer months. The point is he'll have them, regardless of where he's at.

I suppose the other thing is to determine the 'risk' of having the seizures - what, if any, are the long-term consequences? If minimal - the U. certainly has the medical staff that can manage the situation...
They are minimal, I promise. Unless they are grand mal, which case, then you NEED hospitalization and a serious series of tests. But even then, they may not be controlled. They can be managed, but not always controlled. I won't argue that his epilepsy will have a negative effect on the program (ignorance to the facts of epilepsy as the leading reason), but I will argue that he can't be at a better location than on campus if he were ever to be hit with any sort of serious seizure. Fast response times from the medical staff and access to a huge network in the medical field is huge and helps.

Of course, if I were a member of Coach Kill's family, I have a feeling where I'd stand on this deal.

As a brother to a family member that has epilepsy, I can say it's not a big deal and just apart of who that person is. Just like being a South paw is for me.

I have nothing but respect for the man. I wish there was a way his seizures could be better controlled.

You and me both, brother.

We have a few people in the know here. I consider myself another one. There are different forms of Epilepsy from petit mal all the way to grand mal & much more. I joined the military knowing I had Epilepsy hoping they would not catch wind of it. was controlled since diagnosed as a child. Went threw some extensive training & such in the military & was hoping to make it my career. Alas even in the seventies the FBI & back ground checks eventually catch up with you. They caught up to me while I was in country. Needless to say my MOS required a complete bill of health. My superiors & I fought it for awhile but eventually had to give up on my MOS. I had completely quit taking my meds for about 7 years but that was not good enough. Anyway the morale here for me is what many say is true about the triggering points. But it can really be controlled by the correct doses of meds & rest. They will eventually find the correct medication for the coach. But I have learned that you cannot rely on just the meds. You really have to take care of yourself. I wish Coach Kill all the best & remember coach some of the brightest & most intelligent people in the history of the world have had Epilepsy from Sir Isaac Newton, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great to Tchaikovsky. He will get this figured out. I wish him only the best.

Off my soapbox

Great post, Russian.

This is not the big deal everyone is making of it. Even if he were to step away from on-field coaching duties or even be fired/walk away from coaching.. he'll still have seizures. They have no known trigger, therefore it's just the way he is.

Will it be a distraction to the team? Maybe. But I promise you, it's far more distraction for the media/fans than it'll ever be to the team/program.
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