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Maryland Week Practice Thread : 9 Nov. Coach Rhule

I stand by this, fwiw. His complaints are legit and I'm glad he said them, but the "there" I was referring to was directly linking those things to our 5-4 record in a single sentence. That looks weak, imo.

Someone above pointed out he said, "We own 5-4", which I agree is good he did. It's just unfortunate he continued that sentence with, "But ..." That certainly watered down the ownership.

Rhule had already completely ripped the officiating much earlier in the press conference (starting at about 5:15 in the video), cleverly disguised by his friendly manner. He did it there without directly implying it was why we lost.

He didn't need to bring it all up again here at the end.

For me this isn't some huge deal though. Just one unfortunate choice of words. I'm still a huge fan of Rhule's.
I'm not sure how evenly matched teams ever truly decide who wins from what we're seeing here though. I don't care who's playing.

May as well quit taking care of the field and blame the coach for mentioning how bad it was, while potentially several players get harmed by it.

It's not like we can't afford better

A verbal commit is the same as a verbal contract, not worth the paper it's printed on. And just like a contract, nothing contained in that contract is enforceable until all parties have signed on the dotted line.
A verbal commit is the same as a verbal contract, not worth the paper it's printed on. And just like a contract, nothing contained in that contract is enforceable until all parties have signed on the dotted line.
Not to derail this, but most verbal contracts are just as binding as written contracts. There are a few exceptions of course, but pretty much if you contract with someone verbally it's binding. :)

I do not think he cares whether he is fined or not. The calls were wrong. Period. The TD and non interference calls were about as bad as I have seen since instant replay. He is holding the refs, replay and B1G accountable. The calls or non calls directly affected the outcome of both the Minnesota and Sparty games. Good for him. At the very least the refs know that if they eff up their ineptitude will not be allowed to pass without being called on it. And maybe he's telling the B1G to give us another crew.

This ^^^^^^^^^^


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