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Maryland Week Practice Thread : 9 Nov. Coach Rhule

Unfortunately whether replays or refs get it right or wrong we have to be in a position that it doesn’t matter! We have to play above the officiating to where it doesn’t impact the game, at least for N!!! GBR
I agree. But...we did control our destiny before the so called td. I'm not saying they don't score a td on the drive. The 10 point lead was also affected by the non call on PI. That sets us up in FG range 1st and ten. I am not saying we don't miss the FG or not get a TD. But also I'm also not saying they don't miss the FG or have an empty possession either. The same goes with the missed call on the pass at the end. Who says HH doesn't hit a 20 yard pass or more. Yes...don't let the refs affect it. But that goes BOTH ways
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I agree. But...we did control our destiny before the so called td. I'm not saying they don't score a td on the drive. The 10 point lead was also affected by the non call on PI. That sets us up in FG range 1st and ten. I am not saying we don't miss the FG or not get a TD. But also I'm also not saying they don't miss the FG or have an empty possession either. The same goes with the missed call on the pass at the end. Who says HH doesn't hit a 20 yard pass or more. Yes...don't let the refs affect it. But that goes BOTH ways
This just wants me to go out and face mask somebody and not get caught

I think there was a reason for him doing so

I usually agree with you but this time I think it was necessary

Even if he gets fined
Absolutely agree with him. It gets tiresome for us as fans, but think what it does to the players to get one-upped by the officials. They see it, have seen it too often. It was time someone stood up for them. At least they know he will stand up for them. That no DPI makes me want to puke.

Ugh. True, but wish he hadn't gone there.
I stand by this, fwiw. His complaints are legit and I'm glad he said them, but the "there" I was referring to was directly linking those things to our 5-4 record in a single sentence. That looks weak, imo.

Someone above pointed out he said, "We own 5-4", which I agree is good he did. It's just unfortunate he continued that sentence with, "But ..." That certainly watered down the ownership.

Rhule had already completely ripped the officiating much earlier in the press conference (starting at about 5:15 in the video), cleverly disguised by his friendly manner. He did it there without directly implying it was why we lost.

He didn't need to bring it all up again here at the end.

For me this isn't some huge deal though. Just one unfortunate choice of words. I'm still a huge fan of Rhule's.
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