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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Looks like these are the alt unis and they are for the Whisky game...

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It always cracks me up how so many have problems with the monochrome look calling them pj's etc but love all white. Somehow this doesn't look like pj's?


All white is definitely the worst.

Well I agree that the Oregonians love their (non)uniforms but they never really had any tradition until Belotti got there so....

If the student athletes care this much about it then this is a nice compromise, a one time a year thing. Would be nice to see somewhat of a different design from year to year. And for the love of God, LEAVE BLACK OUT!

Yea, cause God don't like Black ;)

I'm glad to see we're all united on this. :rolfl:

That's the funny thing about all this. It doesn't matter what they trot out in, some are gonna like it and some aren't. It is what it is. In the end let us just hope we win, cuz if we don't we will never hear the end of the uniform experiment.

Looks like a freakin' pair of long johns . . . with a big "N" on the front. Awful.
BTW - you have to go w/ the sleaker skinny N on the front and not the blocky block one w/ a sleek futuristic uni like this.

I still like the traditional unis better. I could see something bold and different for an occasional change of pace, but ho hum to this one. Besides, red on red hasn't been kind to us over the years as I recall. It looks kinda sissified to me. Time for a stiff one to digest this. Maybe two or three as I sigh.
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