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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Klein v. Martinez

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15 Year Member
Collin Klein
Taylor Martinez

Passing Yards:


Completion Percentage:




Rushing Yards/Average per rush:
787 - 4.6 YPC

792 - 5.7 YPC

Rushing TDs:


Martinez will get Heisman talk next year. And our schedule lines up well enough for it to hold for a while...
Need to also include fumbles


What about Jordan Lynch at Norther Illinois? I know Klein got the big push with the team being ranked so high, but Lynch is at another level.

Passing Yards:

Completion percentage:


Rushing Yards/ Average per rush:
1504 - 7.0 YPC

Rushing TDs:

thats right, 4086 total yards and 38 touchdowns and he has a 63 yard punt to his credit this year. If that kid was anywhere else he would be on top of the Heisman list right now.

Need to include number of times he has lead team to comeback victories.

Then they'll look at the reasons why he has had to lead the team to a comeback in the first place. Just sayin'

Why do so many get offended when someone suggest to include the amount of fumbles for a dual threat QB. His INTs listed right after his TDs because when you throw, both of those results could happen and you are graded on that. As a dual threat, the QB will run as often or more than the RB.......when you rush, TDs and fumbles can occur. Obviously, Klein & Martinez has had very productive seasons and their stats are similar, but the turnover ratio for both teams aren't the same, why is that......fumbles need to be account for also.

All comes down to who ESPN wants to endorse, statistics is a small part of it, IMO. They still give Matt Barkely all kinds of pub. A team who was supposed to be all world, preseason #1, they can't admit they are wrong, so they keep shoving it down our necks! Like when UCLA beat them, they were the higher rated team. ESPN upset alert, U$C in trouble!

anytime a Husker gets some attention Lawrence Phillips will be brought up by ESPN and probably Bo's yelling on the sidelines now.

anytime a Husker gets some attention Lawrence Phillips will be brought up by ESPN and probably Bo's yelling on the sidelines now.

I know, its ridiculous, but we have to live with it. You see the BTN special on the 94 team? Everyone commented on how talented LP was, Baylor had a basketball player kill anonhter player, never hear a word about the other things that have happened out there
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