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Jack Hoffman Update 6/10/24

I just went to his page and it looks like a positive outcome!! Prayers for Jack and all of the people in his situation!!

Here's the update. Here's the link to his Caring Bridge page.

I am not sure how it happened but Jack was discharged today!! It is a real miracle.

I arrived at the unit this morning after worrying all night and a different kid woke up. His pain was minimal, his eyes were wide open and he sounded a lot more like his old self. He even looked at his phone.

The neurosurgeon and his team said that the MRI looked great from yesterday, Jack looked great (he took his dressing off of his head), and we could be discharged if Jack felt up to it.

We should have some preliminary pathology back soon. They still check brain tumor type to make sure it hasn’t changed to a higher grade. He also reminded us that he left some tumor there on purpose that is attached to the cerebral artery and he left some in the hippocampus that wasn’t obviously tumor (judgment call he said) to try to preserve some functioning. The hope is that the surgery will stun it and it will stop growing and stop causing seizures but the reality is that that may not happen. We are thankful to have other treatment options if it continues to grow.

I know that the real deciders on discharge are PT/OT so I didn’t get my hopes up until they came by. PT said he was doing great and could discharge as long as Jack was comfortable with it. Jack was ready to try things at the hotel and I was thankful to be able to watch him all night so we got to leave the hospital! We are supposed to follow up with outpatient therapy when we get home but Jack is improving greatly with each day with some right-sided weakness and memory difficulties.

We celebrated with pizza for supper! Our family is so thankful for all of you lifting up Jack and our family in prayer. Thank you for supporting us in various ways but most of all for your prayers. We are planning to lay low in New York and let Jack rest (and make sure there are no problems) until next week. We are so grateful.

Much love,
Bri, Jack , Ava and Reese

Kinda bummed. My son was Jack's age when he had his last surgery. Scan yesterday showed growth again. Will probably have to have third resection surgery. Grateful medical expertise is available. Frustrated he has to go through this again. Had hoped tumor would grow dormant, now that he is adult. Will have to pray hard and fight on! GBR!
We will be praying for you guys too

One of the Hoffman's friends was a guy I coached football with for a few years back in the early 2000's name Chris Nemitz. Several years ago Scott Hamilton was the guest speaker at the hoffman fund raiser in Lincoln. My daughter's were figure skaters so of course we had to go. Hadn't seen Chris in several years (assuming he is still the head football coach at Atkinson). Got to visit with him, he had become good friends with the hoffman's. This was before Jack's dad died. No real point to this story other than it is amazing how certain thing bring people back together. I pray for Jack and his family, I pray for Scott Hamilton who is a cancer survivor. I pray for everyone. We are all dealt a hand that sometimes the only thing we can do is question what the hell is going on. I have no answers. Our time on this earth is short, enjoy what you have, be thankful for what you are given.

One of the Hoffman's friends was a guy I coached football with for a few years back in the early 2000's name Chris Nemitz. Several years ago Scott Hamilton was the guest speaker at the hoffman fund raiser in Lincoln. My daughter's were figure skaters so of course we had to go. Hadn't seen Chris in several years (assuming he is still the head football coach at Atkinson). Got to visit with him, he had become good friends with the hoffman's. This was before Jack's dad died. No real point to this story other than it is amazing how certain thing bring people back together. I pray for Jack and his family, I pray for Scott Hamilton who is a cancer survivor. I pray for everyone. We are all dealt a hand that sometimes the only thing we can do is question what the hell is going on. I have no answers. Our time on this earth is short, enjoy what you have, be thankful for what you are given.
My place kicking friend...

This is worthy of POTY
Update from yesterday (6/18). Jack is back home and recovering well.

Today we are so thankful to be home! Jack is improving each day and is basically a rockstar. You would never know he had a major neurosurgery a week ago. We can’t thank you enough for all of the prayers and support this last week (and the last 13 years!☺️).

One of Andy’s favorite cancer mom quotes is “don’t let your highs get too high or your lows get too low.” We are definitely keeping this in mind as the pathology for Jack’s tumor (initial report) showed that it has possibly changed into something more aggressive and higher grade. There is quite a bit of more detailed testing to do yet that looks at other mutations, methylation, etc. The neurosurgeon says that we can’t really even discuss things yet until all of the molecular studies are done, which could be up to 4 weeks. Jack’s tumor is on the docket for next week’s tumor board, which we are very thankful for.

We also talked with Dr. Chi from Boston, who has been Jack’s neuro-oncologist since he was 5. She talked through things with us and assured us that we will tackle it together and always has a reassuring way about her. She did inform Jack though that instead of waiting to see if the tumor grows after surgery, we will probably start treatment of some kind (radiation, chemo, tovorafenib--everything is on the table) right away after his brain has healed and after the final pathology is done. She also is going to request records/pathology from NY and bring it to the Boston Children’s tumor board as well. These interdisciplinary teams with so many specialists and sub-specialists are amazing and we feel very fortunate to have two different teams looking at Jack’s tumor to help formulate a plan.

Thank you, as always, for continuing to pray for Jack and our family.

We are grateful,
Bri, Jack, Ava and Reese


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