Having surgery tomorrow (6/11). Throw up some prayers for it being successful. From his Caring Bridge site.
Well, we made it! Thank you for all of your prayers for Jack—he has been doing really well this last month and was able to enjoy graduation, vacation, and some river time as well!
We are in New York and are done with preop labs, brain lab MRI, and preop visit. We learned today that Jack’s surgery is scheduled to start at 7:30 am EST. We are ready to get this tumor out! He will be in the hospital for 2-4 days and we put in a request for the dissolvable stitches so we can come home sooner. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of the prayers and concern for Jack and thank you for praying for him tomorrow and in the days to come!
With so much gratitude,
Bri, Jack, Ava and Reese