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Indiana Practice (10/24/19) Coach Frost

It’s pretty easy to remember all the stories of TO going the extra mile to save some lost cause, but we forget there were plenty of players that were shown the door. At this point, no matter how talented the kid is, he’s creating resentment within the team. That’s a price that’s just too high to pay at this stage of the program. Culture is proving to be a challenge, and continuing to give the impression of favoritism isn’t going to help.

I see this as several others do; a coach saying the right thing publicly, but not acting in a manner that puts his fragile team at risk.
I do not disagree. I am not saying Mo deserves to make it back. I am saying you continue to help kids till they give up on themselves.

Continue to help MW as a human being, but he should not be with the team. He is a cancer to the team right now which is why he has been separated.


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