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In Defense of Scott Frost

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Funny how doing everything you mentioned was acceptable under the previous coach who by the way had a better record and went to a bowl game his first two seasons.
2015: Losing record; went to bowl game on a technicality; lost several 1-score games because the team didn't have the will to finish.

2016: 9-win season against the easiest schedule in memory. Or does everyone forget when we were 7-0, ranked in the top 10, and all the ESPN dudes laughing at us being undefeated (shortly before we took a big fall). Then getting stomped by Iowa to finish off the year (and losing to anyone with a pulse).

It's unfortunate that history only really focuses on the W-L record, i.e. it doesn't matter if we lose to Iowa or Wisconsin on a last-second FG 5 years in a row, the L still shows up on the record, just as much as if it were a 50-point blowout. And the "displacement" doesn't indicate the "acceleration", i.e. the W-L record doesn't give any clue as to if the team is getting better or gravitating into mediocrity.

Even counting the number of 1-score losses to compare MR to SF doesn't provide accurate data. Losing a 1-score game because you keep shooting yourself in the foot with penalties (but still giving good effort) is totally different from losing a 1-score game because you don't have the fortitude to finish. But those who use statistics to compare coaching success don't take those things into account.
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The cupboard was not bare. But the culture was bankrupt. And some of the things that Frost said and did up front were not immediately helpful in improving the culture and in promoting individual accountability. Those errors were exacerbated by a lack of understanding of the level of physical play in the Big 10, and the size, strength and physicality needed to compete.

The cupboard was not empty. It wasn't great but this argument is tired. The Davis twins, Stanley (best receiver Frost has had), Ozigbo (best RB), Luke Gifford, etc, etc. Yes they have upgraded the roster at spots but don't act like what he inherited was completely devoid of talent.
A few talented individuals (especially skill players) doesn't make a TEAM. And it all starts up front (a concept lost on many, including previous staff). Clearly the roster in 2018 was not built for a B1G schedule, and you don't turn that around in one season.
The cupboard was not empty. It wasn't great but this argument is tired. The Davis twins, Stanley (best receiver Frost has had), Ozigbo (best RB), Luke Gifford, etc, etc. Yes they have upgraded the roster at spots but don't act like what he inherited was completely devoid of talent.
I don’t think those names strike any fear into opposing teams. There was not much talent that frost inherited.

I’d like to see a few posters man up and admit it’s been a failure the first three years. As soon as they admit that then see how the general thread discussions go. You really have to excuse away a lot of things to not see those failures. The most dominating of all is the staff not developing the players individually into a cohesive and effective team. I believe SF was so in love with his scheme he skipped over the fundamentals trying to get the scheme in place.
Now rumors, reports and comments by SF himself have alluded to him realizing that. It is as simple as that. We need to develop our recruits into NFL draftees. Nobody comes out of high school draft ready but successful coaching staffs make them ready and win with them.

I'll admit that ,it, Frost his staff and this team have been a failure the first 3 years. They would have won more games if they didn't fail. That is not hard to admit.

There are a lot of reason's this team has failed. What you mention is just one of them. It was a soft underdeveloped team that had pretty average talent and basically no depth to begin with. Those things were not his fault and truly take 3-4 years to correct. Everything else going forward is on Frost and his staff and they have made a ton of mistakes. There was no reason this team should not have won a few more games in each of the first 3 years.

I think this team is deeper with talent and more developed than it has been in his first 3 years here. Now it is just taking care of the little thing that will get this team to go from a 5 win to 8-9 win team. That is Scott Frosts objective.
There might be a very small minority of people on here like that but it's not 25%. I am a critic of Frost (but was for the hire) but if he comes out and wins 8 games this year and keeps progressing I will be doing naked backflips down my cul-de-sac in celebration. I, and most people (90-95%), on here want him to succeed.

As I said previously, it's hard to tell sometimes with some of the posts on here. I'm not calling out anyone specifically, but the negativity that extends beyond just normal coaching criticism is pretty bad.
Using the NFL draft to compare is fine Talent helps but development is key. You can have the fastest car in the world but if you dont know how to drive and its not right for where your racing you will never win

If only it were that simple. There are plenty of things that Frost has done wrong since he's been here, and I have no problem acknowledging and discussing those things. The issue, for me at least, is the absurd criticisms that are discussed on here. No reason to rehash them all, but those are the ones that make me question whether the people making those posts actually want him to succeed.
I was thrilled with the hire and was thrilled at the direction of the program after the last half of the first season. Absurd is the length some will go to excuse away the obvious mistakes that have been made and to continue to blame 12-20 on the former coach going into year 4. In subtle and not so subtle ways SF himself plays that same blame game. Good leaders with great vision don't need to blame their predecessors for lack of immediate results. You see positive little changes and sometimes big changes incrementally that confirm your faith in their ability. Good leaders are not excuse makers. Good leaders don't try to appease shareholders with rumors of descension and culture problems. Good leaders accept responsibility for failures and deflect successful achievement to the team. Maybe he gets it done this year but to me he's the same thinned skinned QB that for years could not "forgive" Nebraska fans for booing his first year and the same FAN that found it was easy to lay blame at the feet of past Nebraska coaches. I know my critique is harsh and it may appear that I don't root for his success but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I am not emotionally invested in any team like I am the Huskers and I would be thrilled to get back to even Pelini level winning. I don't care who is manning that ship when and if it happens.
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