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Huskers vs Gators - Regionals - Win or go Home! - Sunday - 1 pm ctrl - 6/2/24 - O'Brate Field/Stillwater

If I was Bolt, I'd ask the team if anybody wants to help Swansen.

Thus far in this regional, I've felt our defense has not been Gold-glove quality. OF's look like they aren't getting good reads/aren't hustling to the ball. I saw a misplay by 2B, chasing after a fly ball into RF (for which the RF had to move to his left--CLEARLY a ball 2B had no part in), and when throw came back to IF, runner could have been doubled up, if anyone had been covering 2B. 2B also had some near errors not being able to see a pop up on IF, SS had to come over and catch it.

Agree about the slow starts.

Again, FL will be hitting the ball hard. May be a high scoring game.
Hope you guys are correct, 404 or 611 is going to show the game. I'll believe it when I see it.


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