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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Huskers in Lions/Texans game

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Ole sappy boy was talking about suh this morning saying his game hasn't progressed, well no ******** why would you try to sack the qb when everytime you touch him you get fined and a 15yd penalty. Ed reed suspension is also dumb as it gets, if they are going to start calling it that close then every single penalty for hitting high needs to be reviewed and investigated right then and there in the replay booth and it needs to be determined who cause the high hit, the defender aiming high or the offensive player lowering his head, or the qb throwing the ball to high and putting his we in a vulnerable position and then in that replay decide which direction the penalty goes. Same with RBs lowering their heads through the line of scrimmage. It's not only a defenders responsibility anymore.

NFL is turning in to a pink tutu ballerina performance....we need hard hitting back! We need good ol' smash mouth football.
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Probably the worst call I've seen all year just happened. Not sure why it wasn't a reviewable play I thought all touchdowns were reviewed? Stupid rule if it's because the coach threw his red flag. Some of the rules in the NFL are so over thought its terrible. I think it's part of the reason I hardly watch nfl anymore.

from what I've been able to gleam from this...

All scoring plays are AUTOMATICALLY reviewed but because Schwartz threw his challenge flag, that nullified any review possible. That's my understanding and I think it's stupid. BTW, the runner was clearly down.

Very dumb he should at the very least get the review and basically just wasted his review. Yes the running back might as well have layer down and got up.
Probably the worst call I've seen all year just happened. Not sure why it wasn't a reviewable play I thought all touchdowns were reviewed? Stupid rule if it's because the coach threw his red flag. Some of the rules in the NFL are so over thought its terrible. I think it's part of the reason I hardly watch nfl anymore.

Listening to the game in Houston on the radio and they explained it's considered unsportsman-like conduct for the coach to throw the flag when it is already a reviewable play, therefore, the penalty negates the reviewability of the TD. I'm guessing they do it because they think the coach could be trying to inflame the crowd(?). Strangest thing I've ever seen BUT I'LL TAKE IT!

Never let it be said it takes a little luck to win a championship.

the goal should be to get the play called correctly not to get screwed by a technicality
Not defending him sole. Read the whole post --- last sentence!? My post has more to do with the evolution of football from the time I started watching the game (in the 50s) to now. Just sayin' Suh probably would have been one of the guys considered "nasty" at that time, like Conrad Dobler. If you watched the game then, you know what I am talking about. If you didn't, well --------------------------??

Not saying you are defending him, I defend him based off of the old football I have been watching since the 70's. That is why I referenced your statement as that is exactly how I see it. 20-30 years ago he is just mean and nasty like Deacon Jones.


Over the years, there have been many Huskers represent in the NFL and most with class. I am starting to sour on Suh. I gave him the benefit of doubt early on in his career because many of the things I was seeing from him as a Lion seemed so out of character compared to the guy I watched on Saturdays wearing the scarlet and cream. He played hard and strong in college. Now it just seems that the guy can only make a name for himself with bush league incidents. I cant say beyond a doubt that he tried to kick Schuab in the nuts but it does look like he tried to kick him. What a shame.

he clearly isnt going to get the benefit of the doubt

I agree. Watching the play over and over, I really can't make a definitive call to whether it was intentional or not. But one thing is for sure, he won't get the benefit of the doubt.

There's a reason NFL PLAYERS voted him the dirtiest player in the league. Because he's dirty. Oh well...every one of those players would probably like him on their team too.
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