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Any of you old timers remember Conrad Dobler?

I sometimes think Suh is his second coming. Back in the day the mean/nasty activity was "just part of the game". Now in the safety conscious world of football, it is not acceptable. Suh needs to clean up his act if he wants any respect from his peers.

Any of you old timers remember Conrad Dobler?

I sometimes think Suh is his second coming. Back in the day the mean/nasty activity was "just part of the game". Now in the safety conscious world of football, it is not acceptable. Suh needs to clean up his act if he wants any respect from his peers.

I have defended some of his plays as just that, good hard football, as some did not show malicious intent. But that kick to the family jewels is indefensible.
Conrad is from my hometown and was a friend.....played FB in high school before going onto Wyoming for college...really good guy who did allot for the town and charity....his dad we called 'Big John'....bigger than Conrad....owned the local Carnation distributor.....I used to see him all the time in college as he come and checked out his product in the store I worked in the summer....

Conrad was a character for sure and never denied he did what he did....but it was a different era and allot fo that stuff went on....always had a few laughs with him when he came home to visit....

Any of you old timers remember Conrad Dobler?

I sometimes think Suh is his second coming. Back in the day the mean/nasty activity was "just part of the game". Now in the safety conscious world of football, it is not acceptable. Suh needs to clean up his act if he wants any respect from his peers.
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Conrad is from my hometown and was a friend.....played FB in high school before going onto Wyoming for college...really good guy who did allot for the town and charity....his dad we called 'Big John'....bigger than Conrad....owned the local Carnation distributor.....I used to see him all the time in college as he come and checked out his product in the store I worked in the summer....

Conrad was a character for sure and never denied he did what he did....but it was a different era and allot fo that stuff went on....always had a few laughs with him when he came home to visit....
Cool!! :thumbsup:

I have defended some of his plays as just that, good hard football, as some did not show malicious intent. But that kick to the family jewels is indefensible.
Not defending him sole. Read the whole post --- last sentence!? My post has more to do with the evolution of football from the time I started watching the game (in the 50s) to now. Just sayin' Suh probably would have been one of the guys considered "nasty" at that time, like Conrad Dobler. If you watched the game then, you know what I am talking about. If you didn't, well --------------------------??
Probably the worst call I've seen all year just happened. Not sure why it wasn't a reviewable play I thought all touchdowns were reviewed? Stupid rule if it's because the coach threw his red flag. Some of the rules in the NFL are so over thought its terrible. I think it's part of the reason I hardly watch nfl anymore.

Probably the worst call I've seen all year just happened. Not sure why it wasn't a reviewable play I thought all touchdowns were reviewed? Stupid rule if it's because the coach threw his red flag. Some of the rules in the NFL are so over thought its terrible. I think it's part of the reason I hardly watch nfl anymore.

from what I've been able to gleam from this...

All scoring plays are AUTOMATICALLY reviewed but because Schwartz threw his challenge flag, that nullified any review possible. That's my understanding and I think it's stupid. BTW, the runner was clearly down.
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