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HuskerMax readers can save 50% on  Omaha Steaks .

Huskers host Nittany Lions - Sunday - 5-14-23 - 11 am ctrl - Hawks Field @Haymarket Park - Game 3 of 3 - Going for the Sweep!!

Max ab
403 19 64

1-0 count

in for strike
brk ball
1-1 count

misses down
2-1 count

Gabe ab

fouled back
0-1 count
305 15 46 rbi

hit to rt ctr and it is caught...he is down
and Max comes around 2 bags on the

2-1 Huskers!! :Mfclap::Mfclap:
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Josh ab

278 avg

down lf line

hit deep to left....GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3-1!! :Rockon::Rockon::Rockon:

top of 2nd

Will is doing fine; he just had
bad luck on a floater/hitting the
bag...........and Brice blowing an
easy out!!
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Get 50% off on Omaha Steaks
