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Huskers host Bison - 6:05 Ctrl - Wednesday, May 3, 2023 - Hawks Field

The ONLY way this team gets in the dance is to Win the BiG regular season….or the BiG 10 Tourney…An At large bid is off the table…totally!
Would take a miracle!!

Evans ab
rh vs lhp

306 3 hr

takes curve for
0-1 count

0-2 count

barely fouls it off
this guy is Cy Young

1-2 count

hit to rt fld and it is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6-1 Bison Yippee!

BTN crew saying the team is lifeless at the plate.
Then the crowd starts booing our performance.

I didn’t think Bolt would be fired this year, but when fans start booing Trev will have to think.
He is not savvy of what is more important!!
To be fair…Bob says their pitcher is a bona fide ride Pro Prospect and the best they have.

Why they are throwing him mid week is a mystery

The ONLY way this team gets in the dance is to Win the BiG regular season….or the BiG 10 Tourney…An At large bid is off the table…totally!
This team has zero chance.
Winning the tourney is a pipe dream and has been for a while.
This team has flat out quit, and they weren’t good to start with.
I’m not so much worried about our bats. It’s our absolute no consistency with our pitchers.

It’s like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.
Casey at the plate
called strike 1

thier bullpen up now

1-1 count on Casey

only sun I see is at ss/2nd
infld full shade

they disagree :)
2-1 count

he s/m for 2nd time
he ks to this Cy Young on
the mound

This team has zero chance.
Winning the tourney is a pipe dream and has been for a while.
This team has flat out quit, and they weren’t good to start with.
Hard to figure out how they are up.........down...........up...........down!!! :(
This team has zero chance.
See.. I disagree….somewhat.

Tourney…no chance

But say we win the series against Maryland…the last two teams we play in the BiG are entirely beatable. The schedule lines up good for us.

And I have literally never seen a Regular season Power 5 conference winner…NOT get a bid.

maybe it has happened, but I have never seen it.

Schwabe ab
313 37 rbi 0 hr
1for2 with single
2-2 count
crowd unhappy with
last pitch call
fouled off

hit up the middle
passed Max. Would
not have gotten the
batter, anyway.
Another hit for the Bison!


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