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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked How do we spew our venom

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The effect, if any, would be more subtle than someone they are really "in" with right now saying "no thanks". Could be some sophomore or Junior where that realationship isn't even established yet...sitting around with his dad watching this morning saying "man, that dude's bananas!"

Then again it might work both ways. How many times have you heard people say "i'd let my son play for Bobby Knight any day!" I know my dad did. Too bad my dad's son never had the skills!

Oh, so you played basketball at Nebraska then. Cool.

Wow, I'm not talking about going all nut job here, but espn, the biggest sports info media outlet in north america just dropped a pile of steaming crap on Huskernation, and we are all going to just sit there and go, that's all right we will just ignore you!!!!!??? K

You see if we ignore it, and I do not watch there stupid show anyway, it will get the point across that we are not watching and that hurts ratings and that means advertisers will not buy air time and that means they will no longer have a show they will be out of work...............................REVENGE by being passive

Our only response and plan for this hack job from Desmond Howard is
#1 WIN!!
#2 Give them no more AMMO!!

PS. Did it not seem like Desmond Howard had some sick excitment doing this story. Just Me?

Gameday Sign.JPG

I don't post very much, but why does it seem to me that some of the people on this site aren't really Huskers fans. Are some of them on here just to try and piss off real Huskers fans. Seriously, I really want to know. It's one thing to get upset after they have a bad game, but there are people on this board calling for the head of a coach who has 9 or more wins for every year he's been here. Yeah he yells and screams on the sidelines, who gives a crap. At least he's not slapping is coaches and knocking their headsets off them. Do any you of guys bitching about Pelini watch some of the other coaches in college football. Pellini's calm compared to some. Not to mention, did any of you notice the group of seniors, including Stafford, that sought out the media to basically tell them to shove it and leave their coach alone. As far as I'm concerned, I thank god that Osborne hired Pelini, and I don't thank god for much. The rest of you Pelini/Husker haters need to hit the road.
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I don't post very much, but why does it seem to me that some of the people on this site aren't really Huskers fans. Are some of them on here just to try and piss off real Huskers fans. Seriously, I really want to know. It's one thing to get upset after they have a bad game, but there are people on this board calling for the head of a coach who has 9 or more wins for every year he's been here. Yeah he yells and screams on the sidelines, who gives a crap. At least he's not slapping is coaches and knocking their headsets off them. Do any you of guys bitching about Pelini watch some of the other coaches in college football. Pellini's calm compared to some. Not to mention, did any of you notice the group of seniors, including Stafford, that sought out the media to basically tell them to shove it and leave their coach alone. As far as I'm concerned, I thank god that Osborne hired Pelini, and I don't thank god for much. The rest of you Pelini/Husker haters need to hit the road.

If you "don't thank god for much" but choose TO's hiring of pelini to be one of those rare times you do then you are the one with the issues...not Pelini "haters". Just because some don't believe he's perfect doesn't mean they hate him. Or want him fired. Sad post by a "real fan".
If you "don't thank god for much" but choose TO's hiring of pelini to be one of those rare times you do then you are the one with the issues...not Pelini "haters". Just because some don't believe he's perfect doesn't mean they hate him. Or want him fired. Sad post by a "real fan".

hate to lower anyone's expectations, but nobody's perfect.

Gotta say though, you're consistent - consistently coming to the defense of the detractors. What's up with that?

upset that your man Snyder got exposed last night? ....you can't be worried about your Creighton game today?

What did corso say and how long did it last?

What I recall of Corso's contribution was that he always tried to be under control and not cross the line with players. He said that tha administration may be backing Bo on this one, but that you can be sure they have written it down, and someday, when they are not winning, they will pull it out.
What I recall of Corso's contribution was that he always tried to be under control and not cross the line with players. He said that tha administration may be backing Bo on this one, but that you can be sure they have written it down, and someday, when they are not winning, they will pull it out.

Nothing to worry about then.

hate to lower anyone's expectations, but nobody's perfect.

Gotta say though, you're consistent - consistently coming to the defense of the detractors. What's up with that?

upset that your man Snyder got exposed last night? ....you can't be worried about your Creighton game today?

My man Snyder?

Ya see I just don't walk in lock-step with all husker fans. I hated KSU as much as anyone back in the day. But I've come to respect what a great coach Snyder is. Yeah, KSU fans were insufferable back then. But then again, I'm guessing KSU fans were pretty sick of arrogant husker fans...so maybe it's a wash. Regardless, I do believe Snyder is one of the top 2-3 coaches in my lifetime. What he's done is absolutely amazing. It probably wouldn't have been harder to start a program from scratch...that's how bad KSU was. And now he's validated his genius by coming as close as he did to playing for a national title in his second stint. I've got a ton of respect for his accomplishments. Yes, I was rooting for them.

You are right. Nobody's perfect. And I don't expect Pelini to be. That doesn't mean he can't improve on his coaching and demeanor. I'll never engage in blind loyalty though. What can I say...my opinions will often clash with those that DO engage in blind loyalty. I'm good with that. Even when idiots want to question my "fandom"...that's just weak sauce in lieu of substance.

And no...not worried about Creighton today. Hopefully, Coach Mcd pulls his head out and gets the scubs plenty of playing time today! :)
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