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HCSF's constant talk about recruiting/talent has a downside for current players

This is another illustration of why we are very fortunate to have Scott Frost as the HC. He is the only coach in the country who can get a fair shake in Lincoln.
I disagree, I think the media has given every Nebraska coach a fair shake, until the administration showed their hand and fired the coach's AD...then they all knew that doom was on it's way for the coach. SF will get much better than just a fair shake,

So, telling the team that they don't have enough talent is a way to motivate them? I can see you've been in leadership positions before. I stand corrected.
If they are beyond being motivated you lose nothing and encourage the ones who are working hard and have the talent that help is on the way.

If they are that fragile then we don't need them anyway.

More than likely they know and understand more talent and better talent is needed.
There are many fans that follow recruiting and like to pretend that they are experts. It's a topic that really can't be ignored publicly by SF.
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Be honest. If it were any other coach besides Frost, you'd call some of his comments excuse making. If Riley had ever said "I don't call the defense" in the wake of game like Saturday's, he might have been run out of Lincoln on a rail Sunday morning.
Possibly, but it's NOT any other coach. So I don't know why it matters, but ok.

The bunker mentality under Bo had nothing to do with coach speak or lack of candor in press conferences. It was his outward hostility toward the fan base. The NU fanbase is insufferable for sure, but you use your inside voice or tell it to your dog when you want to vent.
It was his "outward hostility" in general, not just the fan base. And you can be sure that Frost refusing to give answers (or being less than honest) will quickly wear thin with some fans and media.
If they are beyond being motivated you lose nothing and encourage the ones who are working hard and have the talent that help is on the way.

If they are that fragile then we don't need them anyway.

More than likely they know and understand more talent and better talent is needed.
They are 0-6 and have now lost 10 or so in a row. SF himself has said that the bad eggs/non buy guys are gone and that practices are better than ever. That motivates a team. Saying they just don't have the talent tells the team that SF thinks they just aren't good enough to win. I doubt that is his intention which is why I think he should keep those thoughts to himself.
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If the players on a 0-6 team can't admit they need more manpower then the problems might run deeper than we thought. If they're offended by the possibility that they might not be as good as they need to be, they've got two choices...get better or get on the bench because I don't think the HC is going to rest until he gets what he wants.
If the players on a 0-6 team can't admit they need more manpower then the problems might run deeper than we thought. If they're offended by the possibility that they might not be as good as they need to be, they've got two choices...get better or get on the bench because I don't think the HC is going to rest until he gets what he wants.
I think that is assuming that the guys playing arent giving max effort and are not trying to improve. I don't believe that SF thinks that based on his comments re the quality of effort in practices the past 3 weeks.

If the players on a 0-6 team can't admit they need more manpower then the problems might run deeper than we thought. If they're offended by the possibility that they might not be as good as they need to be, they've got two choices...get better or get on the bench because I don't think the HC is going to rest until he gets what he wants.
Does what he wants involve better play calling and game management? Sorry, you can’t just say talent and effort lost last week so the players have to suck it up. They aren’t stupid.
Good post, hunter. And since I agree with it, it's actually an awesomely correct post. :)

This is a good point, though. It is the Riley holdovers that are routinely thrown under the bus by those who are so adamant on defending the staff, they'll pounce on anyone who questions them.

Countless times I've read, here and many other social media forums, "You can't blame Frost, these aren't his players. Frost inherited a dumpster fire! These players just aren't good enough." And on and on. Frost leads the way in encouraging these sentiments. And of course, proclaiming to the media that he's not the one calling (failed) defensive plays isn't a good look either.

Ultimately, we hired a very inexperienced coach. Frost has a lot to learn, and he's falling short in a lot of ways. But we will keep faith that he will continue to learn from his shortcomings and mature -- and one day bring the success we are all pulling for.

I wasn't going to reply, but the more I read your postings, I'm trying to guess which of the events triggered your continued negativity for all things Frost:
A. He had fun with your girlfriend.
B. He was mean to you in a bar in Lincoln.
C. He lost you a pile of cash because of the ASU debacle.

Or I guess it could simply be all of the above, but it's obviously something. Frost said on day 1 that he was coming back to return the program to the stature it should be, and that would be through several means, and recruiting better talent would definitely be a part of that. I can pat you on the back and tell you that you've improved your physicality and still hope for and continue to pursue someone better. I can look at a team and say they certainly look like they should be able to win more games, but I don't know them, I don't know their hearts, their minds, or if they have a desire to be something more. As for his comment regarding the defense, he's been close with Chin for more than a decade, and those two have been through the worst and best together, I have zero doubt those comments didn't bother Chin at all, and he took them the way they were intended.

The simple fact is, at this point, at this time in their development, our players aren't good enough. That isn't to say that they are incapable of being good enough, but they aren't getting it done. Every time he makes a comment about getting more talent, he's accomplishing several things First, he's letting everyone, high schoolers, grad transfers, JUCOs, fans, current players, opponents know we aren't satisfied. He's telling guys, just because they are starting today doesn't mean they will be next year unless you get better, because we are looking for better. That's going to give you one of two results; guys will shrink and look for an excuse to fail, or they will step up and fight to get better.

You think so much of this is the shortcomings of an inexperienced coach, of falling short. I think it's brave, I think it's something I'd see from Saban, as irritating as that may be. And before you say 'he hasn't won a game, and sure isn't Saban', actually he was two wins better than Saban was last year, and did something only a very exclusive club has accomplished. This notion that he's making mistakes on the field, I defy you to find a coach that doesn't make a dozen mistakes or more every game, be it play calls, personnel decisions, or clock management. It's not the mistakes that are unique, but they are glaring when we look for reasons for losses. I wouldn't look for a great deal of 'maturing' from Frost. If you met him (when he had fun with your girlfriend) when he was younger, he was a pretty brash kid, that's who he is. He's not a screamer, but he's also not timid about speaking his mind. People who think that's something that magically leaves someone as they mature are generally disappointed. We used to hear that with Bo, 'Oh, he'll mellow, Tom will work with him and mellow him out'. How did that work out? Tom was always Tom. Bob was always Bob. People are who they are, the important thing is if they have character, and Frost has character.
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A buddy and I were texting about this earlier today. We both think that SF saying that one of the things that needs to improve is recruiting is a slap in the face to the current players. It may be true, but he doesn't need to say it. Hopefully, TO is giving him some advice in what should stay between coaches.
Some might even say it's disrespect. Sure, some will get motivated by it and some may just turn off. As was pointed out earlier say what you want in the locker room but the public dissing not so much.
Some might even say it's disrespect. Sure, some will get motivated by it and some may just turn off. As was pointed out earlier say what you want in the locker room but the public dissing not so much.

I have no doubt the coaches speak to guys individually and let them know if they think they have a much higher ceiling and are just scratching the surface. Maybe not all, but then again, they might not see everyone on the roster as having the tools to contribute. If those guys bow out, that’s kind of part of life.

It always struck me as odd that you have current players hosting recruits, guys who in many cases are looking to take your job. It’s part of sports, we always look for better, most coaches aren’t shy about saying it either. Even in the most successful programs, they talk about getting better; bigger, stronger, faster, smarter...that isn’t exclusively coming from the current rosters.

I think that is assuming that the guys playing arent giving max effort and are not trying to improve. I don't believe that SF thinks that based on his comments re the quality of effort in practices the past 3 weeks.

Giving max effort and 'want to' does not always replace talent. Sorry, but this team needs some upgrades, regardless of what the recruiting rankings show. We have deficiencies in depth and maturity along the line and we have some serious speed issues critical spots on defense. It will take time and I think SF is just being honest.
Does what he wants involve better play calling and game management? Sorry, you can’t just say talent and effort lost last week so the players have to suck it up. They aren’t stupid.

No its not all talent and effort...coaching is part of the equation. Last week had plenty of blame to go around. Kicking, penalties, play calling. During the game...the coach can't kick and he can't retrieve the hankies laying all over the field. Certainly the play calling could have been better...but really, play calling always looks good when it works and bad when it doesn't. This group, including the coaches, have work to do...but the next step is talent and depth.

To the OP...did some of the players comment on their hurt feeling or is this just internet banter or click bait journalism?

I think some of you guys read way too much into what Frost and Co say at any PC. He always says they have to recruit players, but I think he praises his players plenty.


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