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HCSF's constant talk about recruiting/talent has a downside for current players

The media is going to continue to ask questions, and you want Frost to start telling them that he isn't going to provide answers?

That sounds like the start of the infamous "us vs. them, bunker mentality" that another coach was criticized for.
There are many ways of answering questions without answering questions.... Not suggesting Frost go into bunker mode but there are ways of being civil without saying much.
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1) Any player worth his salt would take those public statements as a challenge.
2) I'd prefer blunt honesty as a player and a fan rather than be coddled

RE: 1, Yeah, I understand where you're coming from but it doesn't square up with what science/psychology would say about motivation and goal attainment.

RE: 2, I think HCSF should do/say things that are effective for improving team/player performance. Whether it pleases or satisfies a fan should be irrelevant. I care about W's not what HCSF says in a presser or post game interview.
RE: 1, Yeah, I understand where you're coming from but it doesn't square up with what science/psychology would say about motivation and goal attainment.

RE: 2, I think HCSF should do/say things that are effective for improving team/player performance. Whether it pleases or satisfies a fan should be irrelevant. I care about W's not what HCSF says in a presser or post game interview.
When they dont win, people want explanations. He can either BS everyone or be honest. Ive heard enough BS the past 15 years, so have the players.

The media is going to continue to ask questions, and you want Frost to start telling them that he isn't going to provide answers?

That sounds like the start of the infamous "us vs. them, bunker mentality" that another coach was criticized for.

Be honest. If it were any other coach besides Frost, you'd call some of his comments excuse making. If Riley had ever said "I don't call the defense" in the wake of game like Saturday's, he might have been run out of Lincoln on a rail Sunday morning.

The bunker mentality under Bo had nothing to do with coach speak or lack of candor in press conferences. It was his outward hostility toward the fan base. The NU fanbase is insufferable for sure, but you use your inside voice or tell it to your dog when you want to vent.
Well, I guess Sip has to write something to generate clicks.

My :Sign2cents: is, we pretty obviously have some talent. We also pretty obviously need more talent. I don't see an issue with coach saying so when he's asked about it.
The media is going to continue to ask questions, and you want Frost to start telling them that he isn't going to provide answers?

Nope, but neither does he have to give a dissertation in response to every question just because it's asked.

Media: Coach Frost, do you have the personnel to win some of these games?

Frost: We do have the personnel to win some of these games. Our job as coaches is to get them better prepared to do so. Now, would we like more depth? Yes we would, and it's up to us to recruit more, which we are doing...

Media: Coach Frost, what players are injured, and how severely?

Frost: my policy is not to disclose injury information unless a player is out for the year.


Not so hard. Not dishonest. Not misleading. No "us against them."

Our last coach was extremely open and honest about everything in pressers, he looked like he loved being there even as the losses started to mount. Other than seeing the teams performance, the media loved the guy - we see where he took us. It's clearly about so much more than “being honest with the media.”
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Some of the upgrade in talent has more to do with depth and 2nd team being more 1b to rotate players. Guys on d playing 80-85 snaps had got to be rough. It will likely cost us some injuries.

Be honest. If it were any other coach besides Frost, you'd call some of his comments excuse making. If Riley had ever said "I don't call the defense" in the wake of game like Saturday's, he might have been run out of Lincoln on a rail Sunday morning.

The bunker mentality under Bo had nothing to do with coach speak or lack of candor in press conferences. It was his outward hostility toward the fan base. The NU fanbase is insufferable for sure, but you use your inside voice or tell it to your dog when you want to vent.

I don't know why Scott even speaks to the media. It only provides fodder for people to dissect every word, phrase, voice inflection, facial expression, mannerism, etc. It doesn't benefit him or the team and mostly just allows people to spin things into controversies and create distractions for him and the team. Doesn't seem worth it. Just keep quiet or just give generic coach-speak responses that provide no information or insight. Anything more will just be used against him.

Well well put this is why I have listened to only about 3 PC this whole football season. I never listen to one after a game, I wouldn't listen even if they win the game.
A buddy and I were texting about this earlier today. We both think that SF saying that one of the things that needs to improve is recruiting is a slap in the face to the current players. It may be true, but he doesn't need to say it. Hopefully, TO is giving him some advice in what should stay between coaches.

As Sipple said in his LJS article today, "Lest you gloss over the talent issue at hand, Husker coach Scott Frost routinely tosses in reminders of its significance."

We can all see the obvious, but IMHO, HCSF would better served to not keep saying it so loudly and publicly because it DOES take a toll on the psyche of current players, especially Juniors and Seniors.

"Recruiting won't be that big of deal this coming year because we're currently really good"......said no college coach EVER. So why keep making your current players feel like chopped liver and reminding them they aren't very talented. How would you feel if you were a player on the current team and your coach is constantly throwing out that you just aren't very talented and it won't get better until the new guys get here?

We currently rank 104th in total defense among FBS schools. You can argue stars, regime/scheme changes and busts all day long but it's hard to argue our current players are as bad as they are performing.

Frost would be better served by keeping the "we don't have the jimmy's and joe's" comments/thoughts to himself and his fellow coaches. He can't fix it this year, it's so obvious it doesn't need repeating and it starts to sound like excuse-making. your job is to maximize the talent you've got and do your best to put them in a position to win.

End of rant.
Welcome to the real world men. Why should we coddle them? Frost is right. We need more talent and better talent and we need it now. If 0-6 isn't a big enough clue regarding the lack of talent then nothing Frost says is going to get through to them either.
A buddy and I were texting about this earlier today. We both think that SF saying that one of the things that needs to improve is recruiting is a slap in the face to the current players. It may be true, but he doesn't need to say it. Hopefully, TO is giving him some advice in what should stay between coaches.
Ridiculous. A slap in the face may be exactly what this team needs.

Although you could argue slaps don't work as we've been getting bitch slapped all over the field this year and it's not helping much.
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I agree it can be a dicey thing to continually mention. Everyone who knows anything about college football knows that recruiting is the lifeblood. Fans, players, coaches, media, etc...we all KNOW this.

Repeating it publicly does start to come off as throwing players under the bus. And it is TRUE that Nebraska has the players on the field TODAY to win some of these games. NU didn't lose to colorado because they outclassed NU man for man. Same with Troy, purdue and Northwestern. Implying that "we'd win those games if we had better players"...even if he REALLY means "if we had more depth"...carries a risk. I'd rather see more coach speak/falling on the sword publicly. What he says in the locker room is a total different story IMO. The "honesty"...i.e. you guys need to quit screwing up!" is best left "in house" IMO.

Would you respect your boss more/run through a wall for him/her if he threw you under the bus in a meeting and or said "I need to do a better job of x, y and z" and then pulled you aside later and said "I need more out of you"?
If that latter approach doesn't work, I'm calling you out in front of people. Maybe he's tried those things and not getting the response he needs or wants, and this is the next step. How's about we quit parsing every word and just let him do his job.


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