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Gebbia did not attend Practice this morning.

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NU is screwed if Bunch has to play a whole lot this season. IIRC whatshisface at UCF made it through 2 years without missing much time so there's that to lean on.

Bunch has good wheels and has a reasonable arm.

He is better than you think he is physically.

I suspect he wasn't twitching as fast as the other two, hopefully that can get better with practice this fall.

And watch out for Matt Masker, he is reputed to be a lot like Gerry Gdowski was. We can only hope that is true.

That's just naive. It's a distraction that we don't need at this point in time.
If TG was as well liked as reported how could this not be a distraction for the team? No it's not going to destory the season but I'm glad we're playing Akron this weekend and not Buffy....
Yes, it does suck to now not have a real back-up. BUT...would that really have been any different if he had left in may? Would bunch be much more ready than he is now? I guess that's why the timing doesn't bum me out so much. Either way we were stuck with basically no back up.
Was Joe Burrow an option? I lose track of time
Seriously? Your argument was that Martinez and Gebbia would both be injured to the extent neither could play.
Transferred is just a really, really big permanent injury isn't it? :)
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Do you really need a list of 4/5 star HS players that totally bombed at the next level? Same for the NFL especially when it comes to QB's. How many Heisman QB's went on to have great NFL careers?

Bottom line there is a decent chance TG turns out to be a good college QB.... just how good remains to be seen.
Mah...i dont like lists. Just put all names in a hat a recruit that way

As in who? Who is potentially the wrong guy that we hope Frost didn't or won't pick?

He picked AM over Gebbia. The sportsworld is wrought with decisions coaches/managers have made picking one player over the other that turned out woefully wrong, sometimes the coach/manager fault sometimes things outside of his control.
I’m not gonna read through all the vitriol in this thread. Selfishly I’m bummed as I think he’s a great kid. But staying at NU this year leaves him with only 2 years to play somewhere else. Leaving now gives him 3 full years. I don’t fault the kid one but for doing what’s best for him. I’m sure he doesn’t feel great about transferring, but feels it’s in his best interest.

If AM stays healthy it’s a moot point anyway.
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Bunch has good wheels and has a reasonable arm.

He is better than you think he is physically.

I suspect he wasn't twitching as fast as the other two, hopefully that can get better with practice this fall.

And watch out for Matt Masker, he is reputed to be a lot like Gerry Gdowski was. We can only hope that is true.
That would be encouraging.

If he transferred at end of season would be totally in agreement. The timing bothers me. I understand him wanting to save a year but it’s also saying team matters not.
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