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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Farniok is N/ Update: Video Farniok talks about his recruiment and commitment to NU

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">VIDEO: <a href="https://twitter.com/HuskerOnline">@HuskerOnline</a>'s exclusive interview with new Nebraska commit <a href="https://twitter.com/MattFarniok1">@MattFarniok1</a> <a href="https://t.co/SSSOMSXYiG">https://t.co/SSSOMSXYiG</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Huskers?src=hash">#Huskers</a> <a href="https://t.co/18TsPpVeNU">pic.twitter.com/18TsPpVeNU</a></p>&mdash; Gregg Peterson (@GreggPeterson2) <a href="https://twitter.com/GreggPeterson2/status/693157491283087361">January 29, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Good story from today's Argus Leader on Matt Farniok's recruitment: <a href="https://t.co/chIN2xZ9hU">https://t.co/chIN2xZ9hU</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Huskers?src=hash">#Huskers</a></p>&mdash; Sean Callahan (@Sean_Callahan) <a href="https://twitter.com/Sean_Callahan/status/693187785679765504">January 29, 2016</a></blockquote>
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VIDEO: @HuskerOnline's exclusive interview with new Nebraska commit @MattFarniok1 https://t.co/SSSOMSXYiG #Huskers pic.twitter.com/18TsPpVeNU
— Gregg Peterson (@GreggPeterson2) January 29, 2016
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Great line: His brothers and family did not care where he went just wanted to make sure the choice that he made would make him happy.
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VIDEO: @HuskerOnline's exclusive interview with new Nebraska commit @MattFarniok1 https://t.co/SSSOMSXYiG #Huskers pic.twitter.com/18TsPpVeNU
— Gregg Peterson (@GreggPeterson2) January 29, 2016
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Thanks for posting this.... this was Great!!!!
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Best part of that video is seeing every kid that he blocked and blew up tapping out after that play. When I saw he committed i literally jumped out of my chair and called my buddy to tell him. This kids gonna be huge for us going forward.
South Dakota kids much like Nebraska kids have great work ethics. Plus he has the genes in the family. :)

Best part of that video is seeing every kid that he blocked and blew up tapping out after that play. When I saw he committed i literally jumped out of my chair and called my buddy to tell him. This kids gonna be huge for us going forward.

Best part of that video is seeing every kid that he blocked and blew up tapping out after that play. When I saw he committed i literally jumped out of my chair and called my buddy to tell him. This kids gonna be huge for us going forward.

I certainly hope (and think) So!!!! But it will be important for people to remember that he will need time to adjust to the sharp increase in skill level coming to NU. Being in South Dakota he wasn't really ever going up against top talent like some other kids from more talent-rich states. This kid could be great but it may take a little time.
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I certainly hope (and think) So!!!! But it will be important for people to remember that he will need time to adjust to the sharp increase in skill level coming to NU. Being in South Dakota he wasn't really ever going up against top talent like some other kids from more talent-rich states. This kid could be great but it may take a little time.
The thing about that is, talent is talent, and this kid is talented. He has proven it every step of the way and I see no reason to doubt that he will continue to show and prove it. We got a great one in Farniok.

The thing about that is, talent is talent, and this kid is talented. He has proven it every step of the way and I see no reason to doubt that he will continue to show and prove it. We got a great one in Farniok.

O I absolutely agree we got a great get in Farniok (never said we didn't) I am just as pumped as everyone else about this kid.. just saying the transition and talent difference is going to be much different for someone from South Dakota than say someone who plays in the highest class (not sure which one it is, 5A? 6A?) of Texas HS football or someone playing at the IMG Academy, where they go up against 4 and 5 stars (or D1 talent) WAY more frequently in practice and in games. The post I originally responded to talks about his film and how he absolutely blew up everyone he blocked, which he absolutely did, but it ALSO looks like he had about 50lbs on every one of those kids. Now, it was GREAT news to hear he held his own at the Army AA practices/game. All i'm saying is people just need to remember he is still ONLY gonna be a freshman, so don't put too much pressure on this kid to be an All-American in year one. (We both know this type of hype and premature expectations take place all the time... look no further than the thread on POB)
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