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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked ESPN says it's a done deal. The Big 14?

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Cornhusker since 1969
20 Year Member
The University of Maryland's Board of Regents voted Monday to accept an invitation to join the Big Ten and begin competition in the conference in the 2014-15 academic year, sources told ESPN on Monday. An afternoon announcement will be made in College Park.
Sources also said that Rutgers is expected to follow Maryland and will announce its own move from the Big East to the Big Ten, possible as early as Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Big East Conference sources told ESPN that Rutgers will be announced as the 14th member of the Big Ten on Tuesday.

Wow. that was fast. I hope they (B1G conference) know what they're doing. Welcome to the Big Ten, Terrapins and Scarlet Knights.

New divisions:

Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Purdue, Maryland, Rutgers.

Wisconsin, Iowa, Northwestern, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Penn State.

See what I did there? :Biggrin:

If you are looking for easy games in our division, substitute Iowa for Rutgers.

Can't say I'm a huge fan of this. The B1G's biggest issue is it's football image... this won't help that. On the flip side, the amount of money that will be generated (presumably) will distance ourselves from the Pac-12 & Big 12. Among other things, more money means more money to pay and land the best coaches.
Darn--A few years back I decided to watch the Huskers play in every conference venue as a primary goal (bucket list item) with seeing them win as secondary goal. It took three trips to Ames to see a win (1 point, thanks to Cyclone foolishness--trying to go for two on the xpoint) and two to Stillwater. We'll, when I'm half done with the Big 12, we change conferences--so start over. Now I've got Minnesota and Michigan State done, with Iowa this Friday--and they add two teams even further away.

This is a terrible move for the B1G and Maryland both. Maryland is a basketball school on the Atlantic. They are leaving a strong basketball conference on the ATLANTIC ocean.

I mean, Rutgers is terrible for the B1G but at least it is a good move for Rutgers.


I loved the comments about the ACC being superior to the Big Ten and the idea that we're a conference full of backwood rednecks. The Big Ten trumps the ACC in everything except basketball, and that's too close to call.

The only competitive advantage the ACC has is lacrosse and that's a wash with the Big Ten's hockey, IMO.

Total upgrade, Terps. Stop whining about a pay raise.
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