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E.J. Barthel and Evan Cooper presser

Scott Frost had a track record of success. He was the OC at Oregon when they were very good. His work at UCF was a stunning success. His staff gave great press conferences and talked a big game at Nebraska in early 2018. We all thought they were going to bring NU back to greatness. Then the games happened, and we all know what followed.

If you like the "vibe" you get from Rhule and his staff, good for you. I am not saying you are wrong for liking the guy. Maybe Rhule will have great success at NU. We all hope he does. However, I will not praise him or his staff until I see how his team performs on the field.
Lets be honest in that Frost really had almost no record as a HC except for 1 great season. That really isn’t exactly much time to measure a HC imo. Rhule has been a HC for 8 years with 2 programs rebuilt and successful imo. Perhaps our former assistant coaches under Frost weren’t as bad as perceived but rather Frost was not capable of leadership? Almost all our new assistants speak highly of how good Rhule is to work for which was seldom heard from Frosts assistants. I’ll say Frost was extremely loyal to the coaches he brought with him even to point of hurting team success.

I am going to praise Coach Rhule for doing most everything excellent from day one imo. Of course that doesn’t guarantee on field success but I firmly believe everything he's done will pay dividends down the road. It’s obvious Frost had NO SUCH plan when he arrived in Lincoln and things went from bad to worse. Of course we’ll have to make our judgement ultimately based on W-L’s and how our team plays moving forward.
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Frost had a lot of help at Oregon and his predecessor at UCF was one hell of a recruiter. He wasnt following a lifelong .500 coach at UCF

That UCF squad in Frost's last two years at UCF (players he inherited) contained numerous successful NFL candidates. Mike Hughes, the Griffin brothers, Milton, and many others. He didn't recruit any of those guys.
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That UCF squad in Frost's last two years at UCF (players he inherited) contained numerous successful NFL candidates. Mike Hughes, the Griffin brothers, Milton, and many others. He didn't recruit any of those guys.
Hughes was actually a transfer pickup under SF, one of the reasons I always thought highly of Fish for this and at Nebraska

Frost did recruit Milton -- originally at Oregon.

But otherwise, O'Leary was basically the Bob Devaney of UCF football.
As of right now sadly Frost reminds me of those 1 hit wonders of the 60’s and 70’s! :Lol:

FWIW... these guys actually started their meteoric rise playing at the Lincoln, NE downtown Holiday Inn. Rather a fitting tune!
As of right now sadly Frost reminds me of those 1 hit wonders of the 60’s and 70’s! :Lol:

FWIW... these guys actually started their meteoric rise playing at the Lincoln, NE downtown Holiday Inn. Rather a fitting tune!

How did they ever write their one hit wonder,well...
SF is a good QB assessor, a very good OC. It's what he is until he proves otherwise


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