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E.J. Barthel and Evan Cooper presser

That was good listening. Man I really like this staff so far.
I really liked Scott Frost's staff in early 2018. They were saying the right things and seemed high energy in recruiting. It all looked and sounded great...until they started playing actual games. Then it all fell apart.

I'm not going to fall for that again. I want to see what Rhule's team does on the field against real opponents before I judge whether his staff is any good or not.
I really liked Scott Frost's staff in early 2018. They were saying the right things and seemed high energy in recruiting. It all looked and sounded great...until they started playing actual games. Then it all fell apart.

I'm not going to fall for that again. I want to see what Rhule's team does on the field against real opponents before I judge whether his staff is any good or not.
Oh goodie for you. We all thought Frost was right for the job. Obviously we will wait to pass judgment on this new staff after afew years. But I stand by what I said. Really like these guys and their vibe. One other thing to consider. Coach rhule has a track record of building success.
Oh goodie for you. We all thought Frost was right for the job. Obviously we will wait to pass judgment on this new staff after afew years. But I stand by what I said. Really like these guys and their vibe. One other thing to consider. Coach rhule has a track record of building success.
Scott Frost had a track record of success. He was the OC at Oregon when they were very good. His work at UCF was a stunning success. His staff gave great press conferences and talked a big game at Nebraska in early 2018. We all thought they were going to bring NU back to greatness. Then the games happened, and we all know what followed.

If you like the "vibe" you get from Rhule and his staff, good for you. I am not saying you are wrong for liking the guy. Maybe Rhule will have great success at NU. We all hope he does. However, I will not praise him or his staff until I see how his team performs on the field.

I'm definitely waiting to see the on-field product before I start getting too hyped up, but I was a big proponent of Rhule being hired and it's hard to not want to drink the koolaid when you see/read/hear what the coaches are doing. Cooper being a film junkie, Foley visiting the Foltz's, etc. It's great stuff.
Scott Frost had a track record of success. He was the OC at Oregon when they were very good. His work at UCF was a stunning success. His staff gave great press conferences and talked a big game at Nebraska in early 2018. We all thought they were going to bring NU back to greatness. Then the games happened, and we all know what followed.

If you like the "vibe" you get from Rhule and his staff, good for you. I am not saying you are wrong for liking the guy. Maybe Rhule will have great success at NU. We all hope he does. However, I will not praise him or his staff until I see how his team performs on the field.
True this, will support the heck out of this new staff but expectations are another issue
Scott Frost had a track record of success. He was the OC at Oregon when they were very good. His work at UCF was a stunning success. His staff gave great press conferences and talked a big game at Nebraska in early 2018. We all thought they were going to bring NU back to greatness. Then the games happened, and we all know what followed.

If you like the "vibe" you get from Rhule and his staff, good for you. I am not saying you are wrong for liking the guy. Maybe Rhule will have great success at NU. We all hope he does. However, I will not praise him or his staff until I see how his team performs on the field.
No, no he didnt.
It was this very thing that kept me from going all in on kool aid marathons.
Rhule has track records as a HC of success in two different parts of the country.
SF is a phenomenal OC, but is 50 50 as a HC
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No, no he didnt.
It was this very thing that kept me from going all in on kool aid marathons.
Rhule has track records as a HC of success in two different parts of the country.
SF is a phenomenal OC, but is 50 50 as a HC
Are you claiming that his time at Oregon and at UCF was not a success? I beg to differ. When Frost arrived in 2018 he was riding a tidal wave of success. He was the coach of the year in 2017. What is that if not success?

Are you claiming that his time at Oregon and at UCF was not a success? I beg to differ. When Frost arrived in 2018 he was riding a tidal wave of success. He was the coach of the year in 2017. What is that if not success?
Are you claiming a OC or less is equivilent to being a HC? Regardless of success?
Are you claiming a OC or less is equivilent to being a HC? Regardless of success?
Frost was a success at both OC and as a head coach. His offenses at Oregon were amazing. His offenses at UCF were amazing. He took a team that was 0-12 and in 2 years turned them into winners who went 13-0 and beat a very good Auburn team in a New Year's Day bowl. That is amazing success by any standard. He was the national coach of the year in 2017. EVERYBODY wanted to hire him. At the time we considered ourselves lucky to get him to come to NU. For whatever reason he failed miserably while at NU. Now we have Rhule. He was successful at Temple. He was successful at Baylor. He failed miserably in the pros. Will he be successful here? I hope so, but no one knows for sure and we won't know until they strap on the pads and play some games.
Frost was a success at both OC and as a head coach. His offenses at Oregon were amazing. His offenses at UCF were amazing. He took a team that was 0-12 and in 2 years turned them into winners who went 13-0 and beat a very good Auburn team in a New Year's Day bowl. That is amazing success by any standard. He was the national coach of the year in 2017. EVERYBODY wanted to hire him. At the time we considered ourselves lucky to get him to come to NU. For whatever reason he failed miserably while at NU. Now we have Rhule. He was successful at Temple. He was successful at Baylor. He failed miserably in the pros. Will he be successful here? I hope so, but no one knows for sure and we won't know until they strap on the pads and play some games.
Again, he had no proven track record, the various concerns were the team was loaded and had bailed on their previous coach, no P5 experience and mainly no further experience.

I wanted him to win as much as anyone, but he either wasnt ready or its he's not HC material.

Over time maybe
Frost was a success at both OC and as a head coach. His offenses at Oregon were amazing. His offenses at UCF were amazing. He took a team that was 0-12 and in 2 years turned them into winners who went 13-0 and beat a very good Auburn team in a New Year's Day bowl. That is amazing success by any standard. He was the national coach of the year in 2017. EVERYBODY wanted to hire him. At the time we considered ourselves lucky to get him to come to NU. For whatever reason he failed miserably while at NU. Now we have Rhule. He was successful at Temple. He was successful at Baylor. He failed miserably in the pros. Will he be successful here? I hope so, but no one knows for sure and we won't know until they strap on the pads and play some games.
Frost had a lot of help at Oregon and his predecessor at UCF was one hell of a recruiter. He wasnt following a lifelong .500 coach at UCF

Evan Cooper - Nebraska​

Title: Secondary/Defensive Pass Game Coordinator
Overview: Cooper is essentially Matt Rhule’s right-hand man not only as an on-field coach but in recruiting, which makes him even more valuable to the Huskers – and as a potential head man sometime down the road. He has college coaching experience, NFL coaching experience and he does an excellent job of finding hidden gems in recruiting, which could be a tremendous asset if given a lower-level head coaching job to find overlooked players.
He’s respected by his fellow coaches and players love him, plus he can recruit and has NFL experience. That sounds like the complete package.


I think a lot of coaches under MR right now are up and coming. But I see so much respect that I dont think a lot of them want to move on. I get the sense they all want to stay together and have a career defining program.


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