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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Don't Say I Wanted a Four-Team Playoff

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Originally Posted by Cardinal

Just to save your fingers from falling off for having to post that so many times .... I hereby retract that statement. I was wrong. We have to talk about expansion from 4-team playoff, because the playoffs really do need to expand to some higher number and probably will eventually.

You can officially get your underwear in a wad now.

Aaaaaaaaaaah. I feel so cleansed! ;)
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IMO, it's not a lock that a playoff will expand beyond 4 teams. The long-term physical effects of playing years of football at the highest level are becoming more widely known. Whether it's genuine or just a PR campaign to avoid paying players, I think the AD's and Presidents are also rather unified in their desire to keep the student part of student athlete intact.

With a 4-teamer, we are talking about 1 additional game. The forces that will amass against further expansion are formidable and their primary arguments - that more games compromise both the health and academic progress of the student athlete - are much more difficult to dismiss.
All reasonable arguements for keeping it at four teams. You could have a 6-8 team playoff with the top 2-4 teams with byes. As I have stated before I prefer a 6-8 team playoff.
See. I argued the playoff would automatically expand from 4 teams. Even before it starts, people are clamoring for more. ;)

Not exactly a bold prediction. Everyone knows it will be more than 4 at some point.


Originally Posted by Cardinal
Anything more than four team playoff is hypothetical and nothing to get your underpants in a wad about at this juncture.

Just to save your fingers from falling off for having to post that so many times .... I hereby retract that statement. I was wrong. We have to talk about expansion from 4-team playoff, because the playoffs really do need to expand to some higher number and probably will eventually.

You can officially get your underwear in a wad now.

Aaaaaaaaaaah. I feel so cleansed! ;)

Thank you, Scarlet, for giving a damn. These playoff proponents are backtracking so quickly, my head is spinning. :Biggrin:
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Ahhh, Scarlet and Cardinal, before I try getting my underwear in a wad is that done with them on or off. I have not noticed any backtracking on playoffs, just a discussion of the number and total number of games.

i wanted playoffs but i didn't mean these playoffs....you folk are to funny.

that is all..
i wanted playoffs but i didn't mean these playoffs....you folk are to funny.

that is all..

Pops, did you just get chipped out of the glacier? ;) We've had a playoff for over fifteen years now. It just grew by two is all. Not enough for some of us who from the beginning have been saying we need an eight team playoff. Our tunes haven't changed for fifteen years. Pretty consistent and simple thoughts we eight-team and above proponents are having (because we are pretty simple people ;)).
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I wouldn't worry about the anti-playoff guys anymore. It's officially over, they lost. The sport is moving into a new era.
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My take:

This (or an 8 team) playoff really solves nothing because it's still essentially predicated on the BCS, which people claim is flawed.
It's a step in the right direction at least. Old people run college football. They are very slow to change.
The playoff is ALL about money and very little about the student athlete or "fairness" (as evidenced by the B12 and SEC wanting a chance at two pieces of the big pie).
This isn't anything new. The sport has always been all about the money. We live in America ....
I could support a playoff (but not enjoy it) if you actually addressed the real underlying problems, such as the disparity in the conferences, the fact that the currently proposed systems don't really "decide it on the field" and the too long football season.
There's disparity in every sport. The road to the playoffs in the NFL is a lot easier if you're in the NFC west than the AFC North...
Break up the existing conferences, drop the bottom 36 or so teams, form regional super conferences that only play in conference and then have the winner of each go to an 8 team playoff that's played at a neutral site. That's the only serious way to address what people claim are all sorts of fatal flaws in the existing system. Anything short of that is going to hurt CFB far more than it will help it.
I don't see how this is hurting college football at all. It doesn't solve every problem, but it's a step in the right direction. I honestly never thought this day would come. I'm glad to see the BCS people using the word playoff with enthusiasm. I like your system and it may eventually get there but it takes time.
I enjoy seeing two teams rewarded for building a strong seasonal resume much more than watching the right team/system get hot at the end.
That's far less likely to happen in this scenario than in the NFL. This happens in the NFL quite a bit. The last two seasons in fact with the Packers and the Giants. I myself don't really mind this, because I just enjoy watching tournament sports. Regardless, this is very unlikely to happen in the current BCS playoff model (that sounds weird). I don't really think you can argue that LSU Bama Ok St or Stanford (the 4 teams who would most likely have played in a playoff last season) "got hot near the end last season."
Why should someone get the home field? Why not? They earned it. People like to say a playoff will make the regular season meaningless. Now, of course that's just a stupid and desparate argument that really needs nothing to refute it. BUT if say there was a late season game between two teams that already pretty much knew they were in a playoff (the doomsday scenario that thill and others point to) there would be a massive incentive to win that game. Let's say it was Florida v. LSU. You think either of them is going to rest players and take the chance that they may have to travel to Columbus or lincoln in the middle of december? Hell no.

exactly...the argument that teams would rest players is ridiculous...in a sport where 1 loss (whether at the begining of the season or even more so at the end) could cause damage, you are not going to have teams "taking it easy"..especially in college football of all things, where there is more being taught than the game of football...College football is far more passionate on an "team" level than the NFL, you have Seniors playing their last year, traditions to live up to, etc...the notion of not playing hard all the way through the season is absurd

There will never be a true champion! Absent at least 16 or more competitors, it will always be dependent on a bunch of biased selectors! No way everybody will agree that anyone so selected is a true champion! NCAA is wasting its time on this.

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