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Degrees of Separation for Husker Fans


Staff member
25 Year Member
I am working on an article that will post tomorrow. The premise is the six degrees of separation for Husker fans is only three.

What is your "six is only 3" story where you met a stranger that turned out to being a Husker fan and you both knew someone in common? An example would be I was at baggage claim at the Sacramento airport and a guy say my Nebraska shirt. He lives in Sacramento and grew up with @Skunkman1 .

I'll give you one. The firm I worked for had a long time client I worked with sporadically over the years, mostly as a fill-in when others were on vacation. When the firm folded, I picked him up for myself as he was still going and I was going to continue doing the same work as a self-employed consultant. We got to talking one afternoon and found out he and I went to the same Junior High in Lincoln about 5 years apart. Had a lot of the same teachers, both of us graduated from DONU.

Back in the mid 80's I was working on a consulting engagement for the Alaska Public Utility Commission, and in connection therewith, I had to visit the utility in Bethel, Alaska (not the end of the Earth, but you could see it from there). The company guy that picked my up at the airport in his truck with a Big Red bumper sticker also was wearing a Husker ball cap, so of course, I had to ask--turns out he went to high school with my sister in Omaha. Fast forward to mid 90's and I was visiting the power plant on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. When entering the plant manager's office, I immediately noticed a Husker season games schedule on the wall behind him. Of course I had to ask--turns out we went to the same grade school in Omaha and had several of the same teachers.
Of course, I was in a target-rich environment but a few years back I watched a Husker game at a Bar / Watch site in Washington DC. I was there by myself. It was open seating at all tables and I was sitting back to back with a guy at the next table that I started to talk to at the half time. It ended up that his older sister was the daily babysitter for one of the guys that was on the Maintenance team I managed where I worked. He was in DC for a year for an internship and had grown up about 15 miles from where I lived. I took a photo with the guy and texted it to my co-worker and blew him away because he knew him too.

Kind of Husker related.

Maybe 1996? I was out riding my moto with a buddy in the Denver area and stopped at a bar. I had my Husker 95 National Championship t -shirt on. As my buddy and I were standing at the bar I heard a voice from behind us say..."Huskers, National Champs huh"?

I turned around and sitting at a table with 3 or 4 beautiful young ladies was this "huge" guy. I thought...oh boy here we go..lol.

He stands up, walks over, sticks his hand out and says " Hi, I'm Kenny King, I played for Oklahoma back in the day".

Anyway, he proceeds to stand at the bar with us for the better part of an hour, ignoring his "entourage"...lol. He/we had some great stories about his career, playing against the Huskers, whom he had GREAT respect for, especially how tough they were.

His not to fond memories of Barry etc.........

Anyway...kind of Husker related...maybe?
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Had a group of folks over during football season from the Alabama Nebraskans Alumni Assiciation years ago. As we were talking and sharing stories of where folks grew up etc.. a couple of families knew some of my relatives and even attended a wedding of my aunt from back in the 60’s. Crazy stuff... (Not directly player related but wild).

But I have 2 more from very recent.
1) Wrote and won a grant from the National Center For Families Learning. They came down to Huntsville, Alabama where my office is to present the award. Pull up in the parking lot and they saw my Jeep Wrangler that is covered in Nebraska stuff. Josh Cramer who is one of the VP’s and a very smart and cool guy, used to work with Tom Osborne as part of the Teammates initiative. He had to get pictures of the Jeep and my office.
Pretty cool.

2) Hired a lady to help facilitate the grant from above and when she came into my office and saw the Husker shrine, she said “Hey !!! ..... Terrell Newby is my cousin.”

This grant has been a Husker goldmine:Cheers: :Huskerflag:
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I met some of the Steinkuhler family while shopping at an outlet mall in Woodburn, Oregon. There's a massive outlet store thing up there, similar to the big one out near Gretna in Nebraska.

Anyway, it was a fall Saturday and I was wearing Husker gear. They saw my shirt and we started a conversation. They mentioned they were visiting some family or friends out here in Oregon, but that they (like me) were getting back to the house in order to watch a game later that day and support Baker. Guessing this was around 2011-12 sometime. Must have been an afternoon or night game, but I don't recall which one.

I've also beaten this dead horse before, but I went to high school with Crouch and Judd Davies. Didn't know either of them super well, but I did have two classes with Judd.

Also, as an adult, I've worked professionally with Mr. Frank E. London. He worked for one of our channel partners when I was with a big software company and we'd occasionally work on some business together.
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I was driving home from work one night in Naples when the car next to me started honking their horn frantically and motioning for me to roll down my window. It was Steve Octavien’s mother and was super excited to see a local with Husker sticker on their car....it was early 2000’s sometime when he was playing.
Kind of Husker related.

Maybe 1996? I was out riding my moto with a buddy in the Denver area and stopped at a bar. I had my Husker 95 National Championship t -shirt on. As my buddy and I were standing at the bar I heard a voice from behind us say..."Huskers, National Champs huh"?

I turned around and sitting at a table with 3 or 4 beautiful young ladies was this "huge" guy. I thought...oh boy here we go..lol.

He stands up, walks over, sticks his hand out and says " Hi, I'm Kenny King, I played for Oklahoma back in the day".

Anyway, he proceeding to stand at the bar with us for the better part of an hour, ignoring his "entourage"...lol. He/we had some great stories about his career, playing against the Huskers, whom he he GREAT respect for, especially how tough they were.

His not to fond memories of Barry etc.........

Anyway...kind of Husker related...maybe?
Awesome story

My son in law coached track at UNI at the same time Frost, Chinander, and Verdusco were at UNI. Actually is friends with Scott. Offered to get me autographed stuff from Scott when he was at Oregon . I turned it down because I’m not a jock sniffer, so I said

