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Coaching Staff Changes & Tracker

Interesting how many of the analyst positions were carried over from the last staff to this one. Brown, Verducci, Cooper, etc.

Curious what HCMR's thinking was there.

Interesting how many of the analyst positions were carried over from the last staff to this one. Brown, Verducci, Cooper, etc.

Curious what HCMR's thinking was there.
Could be that with the lack of time available given the recruiting crunch, these positions are lower priority? Perhaps as time goes on, they’ll start replacing some of them...
He talked in the presser about filling the last few positions on/after Jan 3, which suggests these individuals are active coaches in non-playoff teams playing in games around New Years. Any good guesses who these individuals might be? There is still some mystery on who each of the position coaches will be but WR coach is a clear yet to be named new coach.
NCAA has also been talking about cap changes as early as February. Good idea to be anticipating this and looking for additional hires.

Regardless, we should be adding a dozen extra and looking at total staff north of 40.

NCAA has also been talking about cap changes as early as February. Good idea to be anticipating this and looking for additional hires.

Regardless, we should be adding a dozen extra and looking at total staff north of 40.

I never really realized that a football staff was this extensive.


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