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Coaches Talk Anonymously

That the comments are anonymous and positive is very telling. Coaches will always keep comments about other teams positive or at least in coach-speak when they are quoted or attached to the comment. They can be much more candid anonymously. They obviously are seeing positives from HCMR and the program. It’s good affirmation of what some of us have been discussing for several
I take all of these with a grain of salt. You just don't know the full context and whether the author is biased. He can simply quote whichever statements that are made based on whether he likes that coach or not. For that matter the author could have made up every quote.
If I were a Big coach, and hadn't ever participated in these, or talked to this guy, and mention it to other coaches who then say the same, I would come out and say so.
I take all of these with a grain of salt. You just don't know the full context and whether the author is biased. He can simply quote whichever statements that are made based on whether he likes that coach or not. For that matter the author could have made up every quote.
No one is fitting national championship rings here — it’s a simple, positive, and somewhat random feel-good moment about the program. With all due respect, your comments are a little bizarre, irrationally negative, and a lot paranoid. The guys who write these articles have relationships with coaches and put those relationships at risk if they start fabricating statements, whether directly attributable to a coach or not. He’s not some dude in a tinfoil hat blogging about college football. Or even one of the columnists in Lincoln or Omaha looking for filler.
I take all of these with a grain of salt. You just don't know the full context and whether the author is biased. He can simply quote whichever statements that are made based on whether he likes that coach or not. For that matter the author could have made up every quote.
And it never says head coaches. Just someone from the "staff", who at some point was a coach.

No one is fitting national championship rings here — it’s a simple, positive, and somewhat random feel-good moment about the program. With all due respect, your comments are a little bizarre, irrationally negative, and a lot paranoid. The guys who write these articles have relationships with coaches and put those relationships at risk if they start fabricating statements, whether directly attributable to a coach or not. He’s not some dude in a tinfoil hat blogging about college football. Or even one of the columnists in Lincoln or Omaha looking for filler.
It absolutely is a filler.
If I were a Big coach, and hadn't ever participated in these, or talked to this guy, and mention it to other coaches who then say the same, I would come out and say so.
I doubt he talked to all of them so some could naturally be left out. Do you think all 18 coaches are going to get on a conference call and compare quotes. It’s not like each write-up had 17 quotes. The writer cherry picked the 4 he wanted for each team.
I doubt he talked to all of them so some could naturally be left out. Do you think all 18 coaches are going to get on a conference call and compare quotes. It’s not like each write-up had 17 quotes. The writer cherry picked the 4 he wanted for each team.
So what? That’s how it works. The guy isn’t laying out a paper with the cure for cancer. A national publication is saying some positive things about NU. And other teams. And some negative stuff too. And they’re grounded in facts and/or reasonable opinions, including from people from rival programs: NU will go bowling; DR is really good; Coach White is really good; there’s an upgrade in talent at offensive skill positions. Not exactly earth-shattering. But it’s nice to hear from someone who doesn’t have a closet full of red clothing or write for a NE paper. So what’s your point? Is this a set up? Do you want to be that guy who can say later how everyone was too optimistic? Are you that guy who sits around in the dark spouting crap or shooting everything down so that later, when 5% of it sticks, you can try to stick it up our asses? Is that the game? GBR.
So what? That’s how it works. The guy isn’t laying out a paper with the cure for cancer. A national publication is saying some positive things about NU. And other teams. And some negative stuff too. And they’re grounded in facts and/or reasonable opinions, including from people from rival programs: NU will go bowling; DR is really good; Coach White is really good; there’s an upgrade in talent at offensive skill positions. Not exactly earth-shattering. But it’s nice to hear from someone who doesn’t have a closet full of red clothing or write for a NE paper. So what’s your point? Is this a set up? Do you want to be that guy who can say later how everyone was too optimistic? Are you that guy who sits around in the dark spouting crap or shooting everything down so that later, when 5% of it sticks, you can try to stick it up our asses? Is that the game? GBR.
It's interesting stuff for the off-season. For entertainment purposes only. Yes it's click bait.

I doubt he talked to all of them so some could naturally be left out. Do you think all 18 coaches are going to get on a conference call and compare quotes. It’s not like each write-up had 17 quotes. The writer cherry picked the 4 he wanted for each team.
Whats that got to do with what I said? Could there possibly be a consensus ? Possibly if the coaches bring it up enough, and since this has been happening for years, let me ask you, whats the odds its made up?
How many years has this been going on? The longer it has likely the more its a topic amongst Big coaches.
I take all of these with a grain of salt. You just don't know the full context and whether the author is biased. He can simply quote whichever statements that are made based on whether he likes that coach or not. For that matter the author could have made up every quote.
No, a "journalist" quoting unknown sources would never do that!

I take all of these with a grain of salt. You just don't know the full context and whether the author is biased. He can simply quote whichever statements that are made based on whether he likes that coach or not. For that matter the author could have made up every quote.
Actually the last few years the anonymous Comments have been pretty spot on. 2 years ago they said we looked great getting off the bus. That was true.


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