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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Carnes news

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Other than the fumble, RK did a good job. Had he been given the #1 receivers and plays to run that are designed to score and not just to kill the clock, he probably would have got us to the endzone.

What else did he accomplish other than the fumble? He threw catch-able balls but that's not to be confused with on target. This looks like the same back up QB from last season but with a different number. Yet, everyone's will to jump on last years QB was "light years" behind the starter but this one would look better if he had better receivers..:rolleyes:.......and I think everyone can agree that Martinez is a much better QB than last season.

Amazing how a simple question about Brion Carnes ends up in a discussion about Ron Kellogg III and nobody has answered the OPs question....unless I missed something?

He played against Idaho State at the WR position late in the game and caught no passes...he has not seen the field since....still a work in progress....a really good kid who is all about team first....

"You never know what may happen," Carnes told the Lincoln Journal Star. "I just want to get an opportunity to get on the field and just play." At 6-foot-1, 200 pounds, the sophomore hasn't played the position since he was in youth football.

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Amazing how a simple question about Brion Carnes ends up in a discussion about Ron Kellogg III and nobody has answered the OPs question....unless I missed something?

He played against Idaho State at the WR position late in the game and caught no passes...he has not seen the field since....still a work in progress....a really good kid who is all about team first....


He will never play meaningful football at nu. If I was him I would transfer. Not out of anger...just for a chance to actually play.

Amazing how a simple question about Brion Carnes ends up in a discussion about Ron Kellogg III and nobody has answered the OPs question....unless I missed something?

He played against Idaho State at the WR position late in the game and caught no passes...he has not seen the field since....still a work in progress....a really good kid who is all about team first....


I kind of, sort of, maybe a little bit, addressed the OP's question in post 9......;):lol:.......I didn't know he played in the ISU game, but now that I think of it. We could have fielded our entire scout team for that game and still came out with a 2-3 possession win.

Carnes is a great young man, excellent athlete. If we can turn JT into a great option at WR, I would think we can do the same for BC. I just didn't expect him to see the field immediately even if it was against Idaho St.
I won't argue that as I have seen nothing to convince me he will....as to transfering....thats something some will do and some won't....depends what is in the kids head and heart...

He will never play meaningful football at nu. If I was him I would transfer. Not out of anger...just for a chance to actually play.

I won't argue that as I have seen nothing to convince me he will....as to transfering....thats something some will do and some won't....depends what is in the kids head and heart...

You will see him at Western Ky..mark my words. Best of luck to him
Well they certainly wanted him and the head coach is a former QB from his high school....in fact followed his cousin Touchdown Tommy in that position...

You will see him at Western Ky..mark my words. Best of luck to him
In regards to RKIII, he was co #2 with armstrong when the season began. And if martinez would have gone down, burn redshirt burn.. As it turned out we have not needed #2 to play big minutes so armstrong was able to redshirt. It wasnt that carnes fell behind kellogg, he was clearly not gonna be the heir apparent after TM..hence the move to wr. Kellogg is a stop gap.
Thanks RR and HRD. I'm glad someone actually ready my post and addressed my question. I thought I made myself clear, but maybe not?

I really like BC and hope he gets a fair shake.

He will never play meaningful football at nu. If I was him I would transfer. Not out of anger...just for a chance to actually play.

I was at a sporting goods store in Brandon this AM with my wife l ooking for husker gear,and this employee asks my wife if we were Neb fans.I asked him why,and he said he had a first cousin on the team.I asked him who the player was,and he said Brion Carnes.Gave me an earful of Carnes and TF info.Said he has not talked to BC lately,but talks with BC's parents regularly.He feels that BC will be gone after this season.Said he really likes the school,coaches,and team,but wants to showcase his talents to hopefully play at the next level.Seemed legit,the guy knew volumns about both TF and BC. FWIW. GBR.

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