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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Carnes news

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Red Shirt
10 Year Member
Anyone hear any buzz about Carnes move to WR? Just curious to hear if he is progressing well or if he will be another "shadows" player.

Kinda quitly faded away from the spring when he was poised (according to many on HM) to un seed martinez
After Kellogg's showing on Saturday, it is amazing that Carnes dropped behind him on the depth chart. Or am I being too hard on RK?

Anyone hear any buzz about Carnes move to WR? Just curious to hear if he is progressing well or if he will be another "shadows" player.

He was a QB moved to WR after fall camp. Not sure why some expected him to step on to the field immediately at a position that is arguably our deepest with talent on the team.

And from what I saw of RKIII this year, he hasn't shown to do much better than Carnes last season. All of the hoopla about him unseating him in practice amounted to nothing thus far.
This. If RK had the 1st stringers in the game to work with, he would have looked much better. He was working with 2's and 3's all around him.

And we know this how? Have we forgotten that Minnesota's 2nd and 3rd stringers were playing in the game also? A players talent level doesn't go down because he has lesser talent around them. If anything, he looks better than he actually is in that scenario.
Carnes moved to Wr a month or two ago.

I think the original poster wanted to know how he is doing there.

I keep hearing how well RK is doing in practice, but he looks shaky when he comes in.... no better than Carnes ever did in his brief appearances. I don't see practices, but in the previous year, we heard Carnes was doing well there too...and he gets passed on the depth chart and then switches to WR. Again, I may not be giving RK enough credit, but he just doesn't seem like an upgrade from Carnes. Ah... too little data/inside info to go on.
RKIII hit the receivers hands everytime. He might have thrown one a little hot but he was on target.

all of RK3's throws were accurate and on target. The WR just had stone hands. Even my grandma could have caught those passes and she's dead. rest her soul.

I think the original poster wanted to know how he is doing there.

I keep hearing how well RK is doing in practice, but he looks shaky when he comes in.... no better than Carnes ever did in his brief appearances. I don't see practices, but in the previous year, we heard Carnes was doing well there too...and he gets passed on the depth chart and then switches to WR. Again, I may not be giving RK enough credit, but he just doesn't seem like an upgrade from Carnes. Ah... too little data/inside info to go on.

Other than the fumble, RK did a good job. Had he been given the #1 receivers and plays to run that are designed to score and not just to kill the clock, he probably would have got us to the endzone.

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