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C/OG Houston Kaahahaaina-Torres Has Committed To Nebraska

I know I'm beating a dead horse on this issue, but it's impossible to reconcile a 3* rating with what people are saying about him. We got someone considered the third best center in America and the average star rating of our class goes down?!! That makes no sense.
Based on his performance this summer, and how his SR season goes, he could be bumped up before it's all said and done.
Unfortunately that's not how it works. He might be the best prospect in Hawaii but if he played in Texas he might be their 50th best prospect. It just depends.
Sure, it varies by state and depends on the year. For its population, Hawaii produces a lot of good high-school football players. It's not like we are talking about the top prospect in New Hampshire or Montana or Alaska... wouldn't expect to see a 4* (or maybe even a 3*) in those states most years.

Regardless, any time you can get the #1 or #2 recruit in Hawaii, that's a good pick up.
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