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Assuming he succeeds, does Rhule stay at Nebraska?

Maybe, if he feels he needs to prove to himself his experience at Carolina was an outlier. I think he'll stay at NU as long as he feels appreciated and is compensated commensurate with his peers.

I agree.

I also think (based on some of his comments in interviews) that he's realized the differences between the role at the college level and the pro level. He's built to teach, coach, mentor and build. That's not a 1-1 translation to the NFL game from an interpersonal standpoint and I suspect he knows what his sweet spot is. NFL players don't respond to the same things as 18-23(4,5,6?) year old college athletes do. NIL makes the college game a little closer to the NFL, but it's still miles apart.

I could see him spending the rest of his career at the college level and being fine with that.
This is a really good interview if you have 26 minutes and want to get started on your Kool-Aid drinking. I recommend it highly.

Close to the end of the interview, Rhule says that he wants to be at Nebraska and isn't looking to go anywhere else. That sounds great. But after witnessing Trev "Nebraska is my dream job" Alberts betray his alma mater, and after watching Jim Schlossnagle leave A&M for Texas literally hours after he stating that he "took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again", should we believe Rhule?

I'd like to believe we should, but in this day and age it is hard to know.

Many people probably won't agree with this, but at this point I don't care if he stays as long as he succeeds. If he gets us to a conference championship or the CFP and bolts, we will still be better off than we were when he got here and where we are now.

That said, I think with the landscape of college sports changing, I do think Nebraska is financially situated in a good place to be a top level job. I could see Rhule leaving for Penn State if that job comes open, or another big name program for that matter. It doesn't mean I expect it or think it is eminent, but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets lured away. But again, if he does, it will be because of what he has accomplished in Lincoln. No big name program is going to steal away Nebraska's 4 or 5 win coach. If he gets pulled elsewhere, it will be because we've succeeded (at least to some level), and after years of misery, I'm okay with losing him if it means we get to experience some positivity.
When you're younger, your hungry, he seems hungry, when you get older you want everything to fit. MR has spent a lot of time talking on that.
Hopefully, his hunger will result in success. Until he turns the program around, not much point to hand wringing about whether we can keep him here. In the meantime, maybe people should support him fully, just in case he is successful; make him feel like he has found his forever home.

Hopefully, his hunger will result in success. Until he turns the program around, not much point to hand wringing about whether we can keep him here. In the meantime, maybe people should support him fully, just in case he is successful; make him feel like he has found his forever home.
One way or the other, he's a proven good coach yet an even better mentor and great person, someone we should all be behind
Rhule specifically addressed recruiting in the interview to which I linked. He said that was his biggest question about coming to Nebraska and that a lot of people told him to wait for a job in Texas or Florida. But he indicated that he has found that he can recruit to Nebraska (and he added that there is significant local talent). So we get back to the insincerity question. Unless he is lying about that, that wouldn't be his reason to leave.
IMO, it may come down to what value does he place on “winning where you aren’t supposed to be able to win championships.” There are a handful of places where the resources are so plentiful that you don’t even have to be a great coach to win championships. I don’t think that playing with a stacked deck appeals to someone like Rhule. I think he wants to prove that his coaching acumen and his strategic abilities, his ability to partner with his staff, his skill at growing a network of contacts around the country… that’s how you separate yourself as a coach from the Texas, Florida, USC, Michigan, Ohio State, etc., opportunities.
Rhule will go back to the NFL if given the chance.

I don't know. He seemed to not really enjoy the experience or at least he's said he prefers the developmental aspect of coaching at the college level. Really apples to oranges in that regard for college vs. pro football.

My opinion is if he is moderately to highly successful here, he'll leave for the PSU job.

I'd wait until HCMR has a winning season before entertaining that question.
Yes, this is the question to be answered, before we get ahead ourselves! MR, I believe has found somewhat of a comfort zone at N. He appears to be building the foundation for winning and changing the culture at N. Things have changed dramatically since he was at Temple and Baylor and will continue to change at hyper-speed with the current environment in the NCAA and college sports. MR appears to be ready to handle this and can Nebraska support him to get N back to where we want it? Many questions to be answered before concerning ourselves with MR leaving! GBR
Coach Rhule works in a brutal industry. One which very few of us can truly appreciate. Just look at the bio of any college or pro coach and compare the number of jobs to their years in the profession. It’s insane. Only in the military do guys bounce around so much — job and geography. I barely understand how these guys have families. That said, any coach is an idiot not to look for and discuss opportunities every year because one bad year, blowout game, or social “incident” can cost you a job. And in today’s college sports, it’s very unclear how things will play out over the next several years. Not just with recruiting, competing, and the usual challenges, but also the threat of being part of a program dropped from FCS or playing football altogether. If I’m a respected head or assistant coach in college football right now, I’d be reaching out to my NFL connections. The NFL is a ridiculously unstable and fickle work environment too, but at least right now for coaches it’s still mostly about coaching. Not NIL, transfers, and a moving target of countless other issues that only make coaching more difficult than it already is. I don’t want Coach Rhule to go anywhere else any time soon — I think he’s building something special in Lincoln — but if he left for the NFL tomorrow or five minutes after winning the national championship, I’d understand and wish him well. If he left for another college program any time soon, that would be hard to take. But it’s a big boy world in coaching and I don’t begrudge anyone the opportunity they believe is best for them.
I can remember a time where I worried that Oz would leave. That was after the long period where he "could not beat Oh Ewe" and then "could not beat Florida teams."

Ultimately, yes, he will leave by hook or crook or retire.

If he grooms his assistants the way Oz did (Frank) then we will be okay. Did you think Day would kill it after Urb went away? Not me. Did you think Bammer would find a great replacement for Little Nicky? Me either. I think DeBoer was a genius hire.

Not to sound weird, but this is why I hope White is grooming his replacement. Whoever it is. I personally think Tony White will eventually make a great HC.

This is a really good interview if you have 26 minutes and want to get started on your Kool-Aid drinking. I recommend it highly.

Close to the end of the interview, Rhule says that he wants to be at Nebraska and isn't looking to go anywhere else. That sounds great. But after witnessing Trev "Nebraska is my dream job" Alberts betray his alma mater, and after watching Jim Schlossnagle leave A&M for Texas literally hours after he stating that he "took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again", should we believe Rhule?

I'd like to believe we should, but in this day and age it is hard to know.

I haven't read the thread. Can see why ya might pose the question...BUT dang. Let's enjoy the upcoming season and not borrow worry. We'll all determine our thoughts again later. I want to enjoy the rosy picture for now.
I haven't read the thread. Can see why ya might pose the question...BUT dang. Let's enjoy the upcoming season and not borrow worry. We'll all determine our thoughts again later. I want to enjoy the rosy picture for now.

That and this is the 3rd or 4th time this topic has come up since the end of last season. :thumbsup:


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