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Assuming he succeeds, does Rhule stay at Nebraska?

Flat Water

2 Year Member
This is a really good interview if you have 26 minutes and want to get started on your Kool-Aid drinking. I recommend it highly.

Close to the end of the interview, Rhule says that he wants to be at Nebraska and isn't looking to go anywhere else. That sounds great. But after witnessing Trev "Nebraska is my dream job" Alberts betray his alma mater, and after watching Jim Schlossnagle leave A&M for Texas literally hours after he stating that he "took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again", should we believe Rhule?

I'd like to believe we should, but in this day and age it is hard to know.



A lot goes into a family’s decision to pull up stakes and move to a part of the country for which they have no roots. Keeping them there permanently will be very difficult. Coaches say what they have to say when they have to say it. Don’t take their words as written in stone. Rhule and company are here now and hopefully they will turn the program back into a solid program. Beyond that, one should not assume that reaching success means he will remain here into old age.
A lot goes into a family’s decision to pull up stakes and move to a part of the country for which they have no roots. Keeping them there permanently will be very difficult. Coaches say what they have to say when they have to say it. Don’t take their words as written in stone. Rhule and company are here now and hopefully they will turn the program back into a solid program. Beyond that, one should not assume that reaching success means he will remain here into old age.
When you're younger, your hungry, he seems hungry, when you get older you want everything to fit. MR has spent a lot of time talking on that.
IMO way to early to worry about Rhule leaving when he’s 5-7 after 1 season. Simply making a bowl game this season doesn’t elevate him to “GREAT” coaching status either. Put together several 9 and 10 win seasons and of course his stock will be rising. If Nebraska wants to it can match salary with just about any program. Only college that “MIGHT” peak his interest if offered would be Penn State? I have no idea if Rhule is all about the money but tend to believe that’s not his driving force in coaching. Happy Valley compared to Lincoln is in the middle of no where with little to do. If Rhule wants to leave there’s little that could entice him to stay imo. His daughter Vivienne Rhule is 9 years old while Bryant is 18. Might be a consideration letting his daughter finish high school in Lincoln?

I’m certainly not going to be concerned with him leaving until he starts putting back to back excellent seasons.

When Nebr is rolling.... annual top 10 team, it is as good a coaching place as anywhere. The biggest challenge is recruiting, and always will be. But other places have other challenges....... like.... is the AD, and Chancellor, and regents 100% behind you ? Does Fla St, or USC have the same Fan support as Nebr ? Not. What financial situation is the Athl Dept in, are they in bigtime debt ? Well Fla St and USC sure are.

If Rhule can get to at least the same wins as Pelini, and get to conf champ games, and be in the discussion for playoffs reasonably often, then he has every reason to stay. I doubt he would leave for 2 mill more to go to Univ Fla, or USC, or Tex AM. Hes not gonna give up the known for the unknown and all the potential prob that may arise at a place like FLA, where the recruiting is easier, but they change coaches like socks.
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Let's have success first, then worry about him leaving. :thumbsup:

I understand the argument that worrying about this is premature. And you're right - it probably is. But Rhule talks about how much he loves Nebraska much more than would be expected (much more than Callahan or Riley, for example). Watch the interview to which I linked and you'll see what I mean. And given the insincerity of people like Alberts and Schlossnagle, the question in my mind is whether Rhule is different. I think he is, but obviously I don't know for sure.

I also sense a quiet confidence about this team that makes me think that a big jump could be coming this year, and the schedule is set up nicely. I'm trying to avoid the Kool-Aid, but I will acknowledge that I haven't been altogether successful in that regard.
Assuming within the next few years he starts regularly having 10 win seasons, I think he will try to stay at Nebraska till his kids are out of high school. Pure guess, but if his family is happy here, I think he would decline even Penn State till then.

But if at some point he is having 10 win seasons but concludes he won't be able to get the players he'll need to eventually win the national championship at Nebraska within his system, I think he'll be wanting to leave.
But if at some point he is having 10 win seasons but concludes he won't be able to get the players he'll need to eventually win the national championship at Nebraska within his system, I think he'll be wanting to leave.

Rhule specifically addressed recruiting in the interview to which I linked. He said that was his biggest question about coming to Nebraska and that a lot of people told him to wait for a job in Texas or Florida. But he indicated that he has found that he can recruit to Nebraska (and he added that there is significant local talent). So we get back to the insincerity question. Unless he is lying about that, that wouldn't be his reason to leave.

If he goes, he goes. If he stays, he stays. In this world of college football, who the hell knows? Frankly, I don’t care one way or the other. I’ve reached a point where I’ll mostly just watch the Huskers when they are on. I’m vastly losing interest in all things sports. Never thought that would be possible. Management and money have ruined a hell of a lot of things, this being one of them.
When Nebr is rolling.... annual top 10 team, it is as good a coaching place as anywhere. The biggest challenge is recruiting, and always will be. But other places have other challenges....... like.... is the AD, and Chancellor, and regents 100% behind you ? Does Fla St, or USC have the same Fan support as Nebr ? Not. What financial situation is the Athl Dept in, are they in bigtime debt ? Well Fla St and USC sure are.

If Rhule can get to at least the same wins as Pelini, and get to conf champ games, and be in the discussion for playoffs reasonably often, then he has every reason to stay. I doubt he would leave for 2 mill more to go to Univ Fla, or USC, or Tex AM. Hes not gonna give up the known for the unknown and all the potential prob that may arise at a place like FLA, where the recruiting is easier, but they change coaches like socks.
Waiting for that socks punchline


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