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Ajay Allen enters the portal

With all your scouting prowess and Recruiting insights Nebraska or another school could really use you on staff

Such a witty guy :rolleyes:

Let me know when something I say on the recruiting front is inaccurate
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With all your scouting prowess and Recruiting insights Nebraska or another school could really use you on staff
Such a witty guy :rolleyes:

Let me know when something I say on the recruiting front is inaccurate
That's why I said With the insiders info and contacts you have you should be at a big time school

Well, I’ve seen plenty here in Louisiana: Marshall Faulk, Cecil Collins, Kevin Faulk, Brandon Jacobs. I knew they’d all be special. Allen is in that group.
Okay, but I tend to think of Larry Holmes who said that Rocky Marciano couldn't carry his jock strap; immodestly reverse paraphrasing John the Baptist who said he, himself, was unfit to tie a certain contemporary individual's sandals.
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Never got to know him so won't miss him much.

We'll have 85 to consider at the appropriate time, and all the others we don't have won't help us win a single game. So I'm going to focus on the 85 once we get there.


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