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2 Things: a) There is more than football (I know I can't believe I said that). Basketball, Soccer, Lacrosse and whatever else.
b) Since we are going to get more money how about lowering the 'required' donation for the right to purchase season tickets.

The more I look at both of those things, I am not even sure why I posted.
From a fan perspective, I agree. But this move wasn't about sports.

Yes, obviously $$$ is the reason, but I am OK with it as long as NU keeps the designated rivalry with PSU. Living in New Jersey, I welcome the additional opportunites to attend Husker games in my neighborhood. I am 3 hours from Beaver Stadium, an hour from Rutgers, and Maryland would be doable as a day trip for me.

However, with 14 league teams and Maryland and Rutgers being in the opposite division from DONU, I doubt the Huskers will travel east to play either of them very often.
This is also an educated wager that Rutgers popularity will continue to rise over the next 30 years. An educated wager that Maryland, with UnderArmor money, can elevate it's football status.

It makes sense to appease Penn State.

It makes sense to have NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Indy, Philly/Newark, Baltimore and DC in the B1G footprint.

It makes sense to appeal to 2% of the sporting demographic in NYC alone. Which also a larger amount of people than 100% of the sporting demographic in Alabama.

It was done to protect against an ACC comeback up the eastern seaboard.

It was done as a response to the ND-ACC alliance.

Many reasons. Money is responsible for all of them. I saw the yahoo article. Who writes an article and expresses surprise regarding any of this?

The article includes this quote:

"Nebraska rates better in New York than Rutgers," said one industry source.

That would be the Nebraska that made its money and reputation for decades in the Big Eight and Big 12 before joining the Big Ten two years ago. Now it is a "brand" that can be sold in some small way to cable carriers in the New York area -- along with Rutgers.


two team Neb can beat almost every year :)

More like two years out of six. Being in the other division means rather infrequent matchups

But it sure makes Ohio State's and Wisconsin's schedules easier as they will get them every year.
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