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Class Act

My belief is that DS is not at CU for the long term, he is using a pro model to get the best athletes he can, even if it is for a year, just to try to win for now. Not sure he cares about the long term. He will move on shortly and we can be done with his theatrics.

My belief is that DS is not at CU for the long term, he is using a pro model to get the best athletes he can, even if it is for a year, just to try to win for now. Not sure he cares about the long term. He will move on shortly and we can be done with his theatrics.
Problem is, and it was seen last year, square peg round hole. This is not how to run a college team. We already have the NFL, aka the no fun league.
And to double down on square piggedness, his former OC now HC wanted to move away from a few of the things the bluffs were bad at but was good for Shedeur, he was demoted, and later became HC elsewhere.
I love the game of football, but in Boulder the show must go on instead.
Problem is, and it was seen last year, square peg round hole. This is not how to run a college team. We already have the NFL, aka the no fun league.
And to double down on square piggedness, his former OC now HC wanted to move away from a few of the things the bluffs were bad at but was good for Shedeur, he was demoted, and later became HC elsewhere.
I love the game of football, but in Boulder the show must go on instead.
I for sure understand your point, and I didn't mean for it to sound like I approve. I do see, however, college football moving toward a pro business model, paying players, moving from team to team etc. He may just fall flat on his face or, and it is a big or, if he gets to a bigger school with lots of money and high quality coaches, he may just succeed.
My biggest worry (and this worry is slightly under the "what kind of chips am I having with my roast beef sandwich at lunch today" worry) is that these clowns will get some early wins and we will have to read the closet Sanders fans on here talking (again) about how Nebraska should have paid him to go to Lincoln.

I can honestly say if Rhule (or any Neb coach really) started acting like this clown does I would never watch another Nebraska game again and would stick to volleyball.

And, the tattoo I've had on my arm since 1991 would be turned into something else!

He is gone as soon as his kid is drafted, whether it's his own decision or not. His act won't translate well in the NFL, unless his kid ends up on some loosely run ship (which there are many). I'd bet Colorado already has a plan in place for when that happens.


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I for sure understand your point, and I didn't mean for it to sound like I approve. I do see, however, college football moving toward a pro business model, paying players, moving from team to team etc. He may just fall flat on his face or, and it is a big or, if he gets to a bigger school with lots of money and high quality coaches, he may just succeed.
You simply just don't eliminate reality. He is trying to. Applying a pure professional approach which is watered down at the highest level towards Young men, well money won't change that, and plenty of great players who can't grasp that in the NFL have early career endings.

To every thing there is a season. And for Neon to only get the players he seeks won't happen and it will stunt his team both imo.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

After being hired, Neon said, “I’m bringing my luggage with me and it’s Louis (Vuitton)” – then dissed the inherited players he cut as “old furniture to be moved out.” (Although dozens of those LV mercenaries he brought in have since bailed.) So is anyone surprised?

He could've responded like a grownup by saying something such as: "He's obviously disappointed about the way things worked out for him here. I wish him the best going forward." With his equally character-rich offspring not saying anything at all. But each chose not to.

In its present state, CU is more like bad reality TV than a college football program. These guys would be right at home on the stage of The Jerry Springer show.
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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

After being hired, Neon said, “I’m bringing my luggage with me and it’s Louis (Vuitton)” – then dissed the inherited players he cut as “old furniture to be moved out.” (Although dozens of those LV mercenaries he brought in have since bailed.) So is anyone surprised?

He could've responded by saying something a grownup would say -- something like, "He's obviously disappointed about the way things worked out for him here. I wish him the best going forward." With his equally character-rich offspring not saying anything at all. But each chose not to.

In its present state, CU is as more like bad reality TV than a college football program. These guys would be right at home on the stage of The Jerry Springer show.
The local hype machine surrounding them is atrocious. The only 'local' writer from Denver is the only objective one in place.
When SF said the Big has to get ready for us, our local media left it out there, they didn't just inhale it in like a Rocky mtn high.

I wonder how his relationship is with local HS coaches. If he can't cut it there he is nowhere.
My biggest worry (and this worry is slightly under the "what kind of chips am I having with my roast beef sandwich at lunch today" worry) is that these clowns will get some early wins and we will have to read the closet Sanders fans on here talking (again) about how Nebraska should have paid him to go to Lincoln.

I can honestly say if Rhule (or any Neb coach really) started acting like this clown does I would never watch another Nebraska game again and would stick to volleyball.

And, the tattoo I've had on my arm since 1991 would be turned into something else!

He is gone as soon as his kid is drafted, whether it's his own decision or not. His act won't translate well in the NFL, unless his kid ends up on some loosely run ship (which there are many). I'd bet Colorado already has a plan in place for when that happens.
What kind of chips did you end up having? Yes, his attitude and approach is something to be critical of but there is no credibility established with criticism when this program has curb stomped Nebraska the last three times they have played. Can only see him staying with the program after this year, maybe one year at the most.

What kind of chips did you end up having? Yes, his attitude and approach is something to be critical of but there is no credibility established with criticism when this program has curb stomped Nebraska the last three times they have played. Can only see him staying with the program after this year, maybe one year at the most.
I wouldn't call a five point or three point win a curb stomp
What kind of chips did you end up having? Yes, his attitude and approach is something to be critical of but there is no credibility established with criticism when this program has curb stomped Nebraska the last three times they have played. Can only see him staying with the program after this year, maybe one year at the most.

Sea salt and vinegar chips would be perfect with a roast beef sandwich. :thumbsup:
Either way, it will be an interesting matchup this fall. Talk about polar opposite cultures and coaches. I for one can't wait to see what happens with this social experiment.

Definitely. Completely different approaches to recruiting, player development, and leadership. I'm more than pleased with who we got :cool:

I think it's interesting to compare and contrast the culture of the two programs right now, especially when your focal point is the head coach.

Rhule's outward appearance is a leader of men, professional, adult, honest, respectful, complimentary, humble, hard working. That connects with a large portion of our fan base and especially so with a large portion of the folks who view and post here. He, and the resultant culture of the program he's in charge of, really does fit our fanbase.

Sanders is self important, arrogant, abrasive, immature, insulting, abusive might be too strong a word, but I don't know what else to assign here. He fully embraces the lowest common denominator in social media platforms and doesn't appear to work hard at all, especially as it relates to recruiting and player development. What type of players will his behavior attract? We've seen many examples of very good to great players who were really just not good people and maybe they'll see this and it'll click with them, though his recruiting results don't bear that out. What about their fans? I've had some pretty bad experiences with a slice of their fan base at Folsom, but the vast majority of CU fans really weren't that different from ours. Are they really OK with this, or is this just another snow job by the media, selling the 'Prime' experiment because it's loud and gets clicks?

To your point, I'm happy with who we have.

It's interesting how differently folks view their schedule. In fairness, I guess you could say that for any team and any schedule.

If they're equal to the 2023 Colorado squad (which I really doubt) I see four games they'll likely be favored in. North Dakota State, Colorado State, Baylor and Cincinnati, and that's if those teams don't improve from last year. If they win those first three games in that list, they'll likely be favored against UCF. Get past those five and I think it's tough to steal any of the remaining seven.

If I'm Sanders, I'm very concerned about the opener against NDSU. That's a well coached, deep and experienced football team. Colorado State is always a crap shoot, because of the rivalry component and they've got CU in Fort Collins this year. That game is also after their trip to Lincoln, which I suspect will be less than pleasant.

My gut tells me CU takes a bit of a step back this year and that hastens Sander's departure. His professed love for CU and Boulder will somehow wain when his kids are gone and they've stacked back to back losing seasons together.
They better be careful with ND State. They are going in there to win the game, not just collect a paycheck. CSU will be no pushover. They should have beaten CU last year. They could start 0-3 possibly if they aren’t careful. They’ll need to be on their game early, or they’ll be staring at another challenging season.


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