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Wisconsin's Bo Ryan to Retire (maybe... ok, this time for real)

Ellis Boyd Redding

10 Year Member
Will retire after one more season.

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Wisconsin Basketball@BadgerMBB
Statement from #Badgers head coach Bo Ryan
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This would have been a perfect year to go out! Stand up move to help his protégé prepare during a rebuilding year. I must admit, I won't miss his sour face on the sidelines.

Not So Fast! :eek:

UW's Ryan: I might not retire so soon


Bo Ryan might stick around a little longer after all! :Biggrin:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/badgers?src=hash">#badgers</a> AD Barry Alvarez says Bo Ryan &quot;can coach as long as he wants to coach. The longer, the better.&quot; <a href="http://t.co/9ZtcMxcd9s">http://t.co/9ZtcMxcd9s</a></p>&mdash; Jim Polzin (@JimPolzinWSJ) <a href="https://twitter.com/JimPolzinWSJ/status/631840298495287296">August 13, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Suppose the chance in heart has anything to do with the push back of him naming his successor?
Yes finally 'THE GRINCH' has left Madison....wonder when the 'rest' of the story will come out.....because certainly there MUST be more to this...
Suppose the chance in heart has anything to do with the push back of him naming his successor?

Think you might have got it right! :thumbsup:

Speculation on another board: (In response to a comment on being a strange time to leave.)

Yes, it is; Probably wants his hand-picked assistant to have the upcoming half of a season to get the job permanently. Appears to force Alvarez to keep Bo's guy for the interim, at least, and go from there.


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