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Up for a challenge? Apply to work as a Florida python hunter


Grey Shirt
10 Year Member
Several videos on python hunting one after another here:

The going rate: $8.65 an hour, with extra bounties depending on the length of the snake. It’s an additional $50 for the first 4 feet and $25 for every foot thereafter. Hunters who catch pythons that were guarding eggs can collect an extra $200.

"Hurricane Andrew 1992 caused the release of several pythons along with irresponsible snake owners just letting them loose."


"A 2012 study found that, since the invasion of pythons, the Everglades boasted 99% fewer raccoons, 98% fewer opossums, and 87% fewer bobcats. "



Capable of reaching 25 feet in length, composed of essentially all muscle at 550 pounds, Anacondas in South America are no joke. If they can out-wrestle a crocodile, you surely know any normal man’s chances.
The Malaysian Boa
Although we’ve largely seen gigantic snakes in movies, construction workers in a Malaysian jungle came across a real 26-foot-long, 550 pound snake near their worksite. Experts dubbed this find as one of the largest snakes ever seen.

Malaysian Python.jpg
