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Uh oh

He might one day coach at Penn State, but it’s too soon to leave this job. I don’t think he’d entertain the notion right now.
I like Matt Rhule, I hope he stays put and wins at least .667 of his games here. None of us know what he would do if the Penn State job opens up. However, he has a history of "upgrading," Temple -> Baylor -> NFL. I think if the carrot was big enough, he makes the change. For every good thing he says about Nebraska, he could say about Penn State. Plus, it's his alma mater.
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I like Matt Rhule, I hope he stays put and wins at least .667 of his games here. None of us know what he would do if the Penn State job opens up. However, he has a history of "upgrading," Temple -> Baylor -> NFL. I think if the carrot was big enough, he makes the change. For every good thing he says about Nebraska, he could say about Penn State. Plus, it's his alma mater.
But would he just have a look what his predecessor did at his alma mater and say maybe not so fast? LOL
But would he just have a look what his predecessor did at his alma mater and say maybe not so fast? LOL
He's a fixer. I'm sure he'd be confident that he believed could fix any problems, especially if problems were caused by an individual who was no longer employed.

A lot of facts need to come out before jumping to conclusions! By the time the smoke has cleared this will only be a memory? Franklin will still be at PSU and MR at N!

I'm more concerned about the facts as you so correctly point out.
Physicians take a Hippocratic Oath, that if taken in earnest, well, it means something (or should) to the practitioner of the craft.
I can't see the motive for 2 professional Doctors to put their license on the line by misdiagnosing a condition.
This will get interesting as those facts come out.
I hope you right about MR being here for awhile, sincerely.
A lot of coaches will do anything to win. They turn a blind eye just to keep their winning record, damn the consequences.

But I can't imagine something like that could ever happen at an upstanding school like Penn State.

"Show the football program has learned nothing from the past"

Much different from the Sandusky scandal. Honestly this suit with a grain of salt ......

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I don’t really see much here, from the part that’s made public. Sounds like the staff was pushing to change the bookkeeping around the scholarship. That’s a lot different than trying to play a guy with a concussion or similar.

I strongly suspect they would have moved the player to a non athletic scholarship that didn’t count against their limit. It’s basically an acknowledgement that he isn’t going to play for you again.

The tone of this thread is more consistent with much more egregious offenses. I would argue that the management of the scholarship has nothing to do with medical care or decision making. I also question why a family practice doctor was involved anyway. These guys see orthopedic surgeons for joint injuries, and should be seeing a psychiatrist for serious mental health problems.

I don’t really see much here, from the part that’s made public. Sounds like the staff was pushing to change the bookkeeping around the scholarship. That’s a lot different than trying to play a guy with a concussion or similar.

I strongly suspect they would have moved the player to a non athletic scholarship that didn’t count against their limit. It’s basically an acknowledgement that he isn’t going to play for you again.

The tone of this thread is more consistent with much more egregious offenses. I would argue that the management of the scholarship has nothing to do with medical care or decision making. I also question why a family practice doctor was involved anyway. These guys see orthopedic surgeons for joint injuries, and should be seeing a psychiatrist for serious mental health problems.
Sounds like the neck bones connected to the head bone ;)
There's motive here from the Dr. It has to be explored.
I don’t really see much here, from the part that’s made public. Sounds like the staff was pushing to change the bookkeeping around the scholarship. That’s a lot different than trying to play a guy with a concussion or similar.

I strongly suspect they would have moved the player to a non athletic scholarship that didn’t count against their limit. It’s basically an acknowledgement that he isn’t going to play for you again.

The tone of this thread is more consistent with much more egregious offenses. I would argue that the management of the scholarship has nothing to do with medical care or decision making. I also question why a family practice doctor was involved anyway. These guys see orthopedic surgeons for joint injuries, and should be seeing a psychiatrist for serious mental health problems.

I appreciate your take on this.
My take concerns the Doctors.
If Doctors were "encouraged" to change the diagnosis based direct or indirect influences, then the AMA will judge the facts and determine it's egregiousness.
Doctor wins suit against PSU:

None of this surprises me.

Has same problem at high school level when I was team physician supplied by Cleveland Clinic to local high schools.
In Ohio at that time, you had to have Dr. at game to be able to play high school football.
Coaches hated when Drs would "interfere" with players by actually holding out players with significant injuries, especially head and neck trauma.

All the best.
Doctor wins suit against PSU:

None of this surprises me.

Has same problem at high school level when I was team physician supplied by Cleveland Clinic to local high schools.
In Ohio at that time, you had to have Dr. at game to be able to play high school football.
Coaches hated when Drs would "interfere" with players by actually holding out players with significant injuries, especially head and neck trauma.

All the best.

It's been forty plus years ago since I played in HS, but there were at least half a dozen games over those four years I never should have been allowed to return to. Multiple concussions and shoulder injuries. Of course at the time I'm doing everything in my power to get back onto the field, because I didn't know any better and I loved the game. A whiff of smelling salts and the 'How many fingers?' routine and I'm back out there.

In retrospect, I had a significant concussion in a game my Jr. year.

Went from mid 2nd quarter to late 4th quarter without any memory of what happened after stopping the fullback with my forehead :).

Nobody noticed my condition as I played on, team physician:

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