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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Too Quick to judge

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I'm still wondering what went wrong against OSU...not so much the loss, but how badly things imploded. And then, in the Northwestern game...there was a critical moment when we came back. Remember how poorly it was going for much of that game? We lose that game and things would be quite different, I feel. Was it conditioning that allowed us to take over late in the game? Was it TM making big plays? Whatever it was, we have been on a roll since...

I just finished rewatching the NW game. We actually dominated except for those stupid punt fumbles and the one 80 yard td run they had. We also lost Rex.

The question is how long does a program give a coach to produce before the axe? What benchmarks are necessary? I would think 3 CCGs are adequate benchmarks, but many among our impatient fan base seem ready to bag on this staff the minute they see a bad game. Is continuity important in a program? Osborne inherited a strong program and was given 20+ years and now he is deified. Bo inherited a program in the doldrums and has been vilified after just a few, his every facial expression the subject of scrutiny. Osborne endured his share of heat but surviving it benefitted the program. Bo has earned another 5 years, IMO. But in today's environment it seems that coaches have 2 years to produce before the dogs begin to bark.
I have always supported Bo, but after the OSU loss I felt the sames a lot of us did. I figured we would lose 5-6 games after that, and was to quick to judge. Im so glad we were wrong. GBR.

I said at the beginning of the season, that we are talented enough to win every game we play this season. I feared we would drop to OSU/Michigan/& maybe Wisconsin.

After week 1, I thought we looked like the team to beat given the struggles the entire league was showing early.
After UCLA loss, I felt better adjustments were going to be made and we could still finish the season strong, maybe drop one or two games due to being inconsistent.
After UW win, I knew this team had what it takes to win every game they play & I expected them to get better as the season rolled.
After OSU loss, I began questioning a couple hires by Bo. I felt we had the talent to beat OSU, but the defense buckled in Columbus, so did the leader of the offense. But I believed in the team after hearing Bo's press conference remark.
After UM win, I knew the conference was ours and felt that the only team that could be us, was us. At times it look as if that was going to happen, but these kids pull it off and I commend them for it.

Looking back at our season, IMO, we were the better team with each one of our match ups. Coming back, not only just double digits, but in the 4th quarter, not only takes heart, but it takes talent, especially to do it consistently from week to week. When we stop hindering ourselves and started producing, there was nothing any team was able to do with us. Our 2 losses came simply from being out coached (on the road). I look forward to Saturday's game and the Rose bowl match up that awaits us afterwards.
After the Ohio State game I never expected this team to win out. I thought the best we could hope for was 4-2 over the last six games and if we lost to Northwestern thought things could get really ugly. I thought our defense was killing us and did not look for any significant improvement over the remainder of the year. I was also thinking Taylor's turnovers in big games was another big factor in our losses and was questioning if he would get us to the next level. I felt a lot of our problems was due to coaching and felt changes in the staff were necessary. I never thought Bo should leave but thought there should be changes on his staff.

In retrospect it just shows how wrong I like many others were. For this team to have the 15th ranked defense in the country is Bo's top accomplishment here in his five years. Tim Beck in his second year as offensive coordinator has really made huge strides. This team has accomplished far more than I ever thought was possible. In the future I will try not to be so quick to judge.

Awesome display of humility and honesty, denison ! After that OSU game, I believe I said out loud at least once, "I'm not sure I see where another win is coming from this year." Just goes to show all of us that the true test of being an avid fan of a team is to not throw in the towel at the first sign (...or second...see- UCLA) of trouble.

GBR !!!

Every time I get down I just add some more hooch to my koolaid. What some take as rose colored glasses are really just bloodshot eyes, but by then I can't tell the difference. This has been a most interesting year. I've been disappointed a lot in the last ten years, but had high hopes with all the seniors and juniors on this team. As is most always the outcome, leadership wills the team to be very salty. Too many with no time remaining in their quest usually means a lasting determination. Sometimes common sense makes me look very smart, but I was indeed lucky. A three year starter at quarterback handing off to Superman is always an avenue for hope. They had me on the ropes with my upbeat demeanor but the koolaid again won out. Too bad they can't come up with a red koolaid that works with well crown. But hey, a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.

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