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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked The next ten days will be pivotal

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2 Year Member
We're going to be on a big stage Saturday night. It will be big for closing out this recruiting class and will determine if we are in a classic bowl venue or some run-down wanna be bowl.

There are a slew of open head coaching positions and each institution will want to have their guy named in the next week or two in order to salvage or assemble a good recruiting class. My guess is that Bo sees his program on the cusp of breaking through and is not anxious to run off, but you never know all the behind the scenes issues and conflicts that make someone look around. Let's hope he's content.

In any event, we'll look back on early December as being pretty critical in our future. Here's to great days ahead!

I'm far more concerned about losing Beck and/or Fisher than Bo. To explain, I feel like Bo WILL stay here for a long time....the assistants, however, I'm not as confident about. Fisher, especially, would be a HUGE loss - what he's done with that WR corp in such a short time is amazing - I truly feel like we have THE best corp in the NCAA.
Turnover in the assistant ranks is part of the gig. What makes a head coach great is when he can re-load without a hitch, over and over again.

Bo will find a way. He seems to always have sometime ready to step in/up.
if we win it all this year that might be it for Ron Brown; hope not but it would be a good time to step down if he does want to retire.

if we win it all this year that might be it for Ron Brown; hope not but it would be a good time to step down if he does want to retire.

He's not that old though, the man looks great, and he's going to be 56 in 2 days. I think he stiks around a while longer.

I think Fish and Joseph deserve big raises after this season. Does anyone know if Fish wants to coordinate or if he's happy with a position room?
Wow Fish was the golf coach that many on here were bagging on. I guess many on here were dead wrong about him.Watcha think???

I know no one has said anything about it yet, (ESPN, BIG 10 network ect.) but i worry about Bo getting a lot of interest from Auburn since they just fired Chiszik today.
The USA today had a great article on coaches pay in college football last week. Interesting salary figures.

Dabo makes a little over $2 million. His OC makes $1.3. It's more than likely time to pay up on the assistants salaries. Next year we'll be adding 6,000 seats and some suites. We surely can afford to bump the assistant coaches.

I've often thought two / three guys would be great additions.

1. If Beck leaves, go beg Tom Rathman to come home and be the OC. If he wont take it, go get Frost.
2. If Fisher leaves and Beck stays, go get Scott Frost. I know he turned it down before, but maybe the time is right.
3. Will Shields' son is here now. Go beg him to come coach the O-Line for 4 years so he can be near his son.

I know, wishful thinking..........;)
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I know no one has said anything about it yet, (ESPN, BIG 10 network ect.) but i worry about Bo getting a lot of interest from Auburn since they just fired Chiszik today.

Bo will be getting interest from every BCS-level team that needs a good coach.

Fortunately, Bo is already at the center of the college football universe. :peacesign:

This is, afterall, NEBRASKA.

The USA today had a great article on coaches pay in college football last week. Interesting salary figures.

Dabo makes a little over $2 million. His OC makes $1.3. It's more than likely time to pay up on the assistants salaries.

I'm pretty sure Dabs moved some of his salary over to pay his OC.
Yes, he certainly did. Dabo spoke to his $2 million and said he "was making enough" and wanted his assistants to be paid well.

BTW, I believe they said his OC was a high school HC in Austin Texas three years ago..........:lol:
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The USA today had a great article on coaches pay in college football last week. Interesting salary figures.

Dabo makes a little over $2 million. His OC makes $1.3. It's more than likely time to pay up on the assistants salaries. Next year we'll be adding 6,000 seats and some suites. We surely can afford to bump the assistant coaches.

I've often thought two / three guys would be great additions.

1. If Beck leaves, go beg Tom Rathman to come home and be the OC. If he wont take it, go get Frost.
2. If Fisher leaves and Beck stays, go get Scott Frost. I know he turned it down before, but maybe the time is right.
3. Will Shields' son is here now. Go beg him to come coach the O-Line for 4 years so he can be near his son.

I know, wishful thinking..........;)

No thank you.
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