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What is true is the offense has suffered years of poor coaching, horrible S&C and a tolerance for mental FU... Yes talent is an issue but we have to remember that SF recruits were largely targeted to be Chip Kelly like players of 15 years ago. Which of course was stupid when you play in the Big 10. So we on the surface have talent based on rating but many are a poor fit for what we need today or tomorrow.
Liked the whole post but guess this seems to be a nitty gritty factor that still has tentacles. Our veteran players HAVE been thru a lot. It brings forward something I'm noticing bit by bit. Rhule, in seeing what you said, is taking a smart and mature approach in handling it. He seems to be nurturing growth and development with regard to EACH player as a coach that TRULY wants the best for his players and not just the team. In turn that nurtures my pride in him as a coach. :)

About the only issue I had with Satt last night was lining up heavy with a fullback and not at least trying a play action or boot instead of just the same straight ahead run into a stacked box that was crushing our o-line time and again.
Had to laugh at this one. You phrased it like it was just a little issue. And yet it pretty much references our entire running back game and somewhat the entire lackluster offensive problems. Lol.
This post is just dead on. Early on in the game we cant run. Later in the game the run improves because of the passes we throw. We cant run it unless its the qb.
IF we just run the ball its 3 and punt all day.
A fan can always nit pic at the OC as theres things he could do better. Satt included. Idk how good he is or not, but hes not doing a bad job. Hes got very little to work with.
The problems with this O start other places like the oline, qb etc
Fans who scream at the OC usually are clue

And to expand more on your post your dead on about the end of the half. Fans on here screaming at satt for tossing it downfield instead of running it out. I didnt like that either but do we really think that decision came from satt? Of course not duh! The hc makes that decision to either throw and go for it or run it out
Thanks for such a good, rational post
Just because you don't agree with differing opinions doesn't make those differing opinions irrational

I’m surprised to see so much sympathy for Satterfield. I have a hard time criticizing coaches, I assume they have these jobs for a reason. I agree with most of the sentiment here. He doesn’t have good players. Haarberg is a decent runner, not great. Once in a while he’ll throw a nice ball but it’s not consistent. One thing I’ll give this staff credit for is knowing they have to shorten the game. We had the same problems under Frost, the difference was we could get a 3 and out in 4 seconds. At least these guys understand the need to let your defense rest.

interesting thread
did anyone here actually listen or watch Rhlules post game presser on oneof the troubles the o line had

maybbe its me, but it would be nice to have a running back that actually followed his/her /its blockers
the fresmna actually seemed to a couple of times
jump cuts and bouncing work but not on every play
interesting thread
did anyone here actually listen or watch Rhlules post game presser on oneof the troubles the o line had

maybbe its me, but it would be nice to have a running back that actually followed his/her /its blockers
the fresmna actually seemed to a couple of times
jump cuts and bouncing work but not on every play
Cookie jar is very low at the moment.
Having an inept offense that can't get out their own way gets old too. It shouldn't be this hard to get a competent offense.
when you can coach a competent offense, there are some well paying jobs avaiolable

not a slam on you ,i agree
hacving a team losing. to the likes of Northwesten, Purdue and Illinois and South Georgiaand and, and and, is old
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What pocket? The pass pro is so poor that there is seldom a pocket and when there is, its because someone is holding.
In fairness, HH had time to throw the ball often, but he held it too long, causing protection to break down. He had some time last night. This team made an improvement last night, and that’s all I’m looking for. Keep doing that, and you’ll win a bunch of games. Lots of mistakes for sure, some could have been very costly, but they hung in, fought, and won the game. Remember, NU would normally lose these types of games over the past several years.


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