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Rib Reheating


Option Football anyone?
2 Year Member
Curious what techniques everyone uses for reheating ribs. i usually smoke a rack or 2 and then cut them up for servings and then vacuum seal them. when its time to cook them. I drop them in a boiling pot to unfreeze them and bring them up to about 100 degrees. from there i re-dust them (especially the cut sides), then place on the smoker until about 155F, pull them off glaze them and then return till 165. I set the smoker to 220 for the first part, then when the glaze is applied i bump it up to 350F to help create a sticky feeling.


Curious what techniques everyone uses for reheating ribs. i usually smoke a rack or 2 and then cut them up for servings and then vacuum seal them. when its time to cook them. I drop them in a boiling pot to unfreeze them and bring them up to about 100 degrees. from there i re-dust them (especially the cut sides), then place on the smoker until about 155F, pull them off glaze them and then return till 165. I set the smoker to 220 for the first part, then when the glaze is applied i bump it up to 350F to help create a sticky feeling.
I may not fully understand your description, but is the bolded what you do to reheat ribs that have been fully smoked and this is just the leftovers?
That seems like alot of work to reheat ribs that are just a few leftovers. I smoke enough (usually only 1 rack) to feed us immediately. Anything left over usually doesn't last another 48hrs in the refrigerator and those just get reheated in the microwave most times.
I just did pulled pork and vacuum sealed and froze some individual servings. For those I'll probably reheat in the sealed bags in hot water.
I love cold ribs, so I typically just pull them from the fridge and eat them.

If I do reheat, it's typically with a little extra sauce and in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Never tried previously cooked, frozen before. Guess I would dethaw in the fridge and then reheat on low heat for 15'ish minutes?


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