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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Rejected Tom Osborne Tributes

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WARNING! Do not take a drink of coffee while you are reading this link. Serious, but not fatal, burns may occur.

Absolutely classic!

I have a buddy from high school that goes to UNL with me whose little sister is on the Scarlets.

I think I'm going to show this to him to get his reaction. I'm guessing he'll be laughing at it like I was, until it gets to the lap dance part. Then I'm guessing he's probably going to stop laughing pretty quick and look up and glare at me. :Biggrin:
WARNING! Do not take a drink of coffee while you are reading this link. Serious, but not fatal, burns may occur.

Absolutely classic!

The author is not responsible for any injuries sustained during the reading of said post, nor for any vomiting, diarrhea, runny eyes, dry mouth, or sudden sleepiness caused during contact with the piece.

As always, please consult a doctor before reading.
The author is not responsible for any injuries sustained during the reading of said post, nor for any vomiting, diarrhea, runny eyes, dry mouth, or sudden sleepiness caused during contact with the piece.

As always, please consult a doctor before reading.

I just peed in my pants. Where do I file claim?

This will be the very last chance to thank a guy who is the face of our history in front of 86,000 at Memorial Stadium. Everyone knows his character and his lack of desire to be in the spot light. I think for one final moment we put that guy in the most "uncomfortable" position he has ever been, and pay tribute to him. I don't care how it's done.

It would be great if he walked out of the tunnel with some of his All Conference/American players. Guys from his teams from the 70s, 80s, & 90s. Frazier is still around, Bennett is still around, J. Peter is still around, J. Rodgers is still around, G. Winstrom is still around, etc......Thanks Tom.

I've been hearing a lot about how NU will honor T.O. at his last home game as Nebraska Athletic Director.

I'll be shocked if the reserved, "it's not about me" Osborne goes through with the popular choice of leading the team out onto the field.

But that didn't stop me from having some fun with some other tribute ideas that probably won't happen either: http://feitcanwrite.wordpress.com/2012/11/16/rejected-tom-osborne-tributes/

Very well done, Sir !!! However, I prefer they let NU run one last "FUMBLEROOSKY", legally !!
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