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PV thoughts.....feel free to post yours.


Scout Team
15 Year Member
this game doesn't even warrant its own thread but whatever....maybe someone cares to read and post their thoughts. i realize many of you probably didn't see the game so i'll take a second to provide a brief summary of the first half.

first a little backstory.....as you may recall, NU got clowned by the zone and full court pressure vs Samford. I mentioned that if i was coaching this team, i'd spend the entire next practice working on zone and press break. fast forward to today.....NU is up 26 to 8. Anyone care to guess what the catalyst was for the 16-0 run that PV went on? Simple. they switched from man to a 2/3 zone with full court pressure on made baskets. Thats it.

NU looked like a highschool JV team playing against the zone and trying to break the press. Multiple turnovers, a 10 second violation (yes seriously, a 10 second violation against a man to man full court press. no trap, no nothing, just full court pressure from a team with DIVII caliber athletes. You'd think a P5 DivI PG could dribble the ball up himself vs man pressure. well you'd be right...unfortunately for NU, Benny parker and Glynn watson, who were BOTH in the game at the time, were all they way down under PVs basket, while Jack McVeigh and CO tried to break the press. what in the....??? :wow::banghead:

i'm glad NU won. but this is just getting downright silly. There are so many things happening each game that simply can't be excused at this level of basketball.....

watching NU against the 2/3 zone is maddening. i watched numerous possessions OVER and OVER, trying to understand what the pattern, or spacing was. I have no idea and clearly the players don't either. Jacobsen is 30 feet from the basket setting a ball screen against the top of the zone, for a guy dribbling the ball who has NO intention of using the screen. That happened multiple times. 2 guys flashing to the middle of the zone at the same time. No body on the block ball side, forcing the bottom outside defender in the zone to honor having to defend the block.....2 guys posting up, one right behind the other.....it just goes on and on. All I saw were 5 guys randomly shuffling around. I paid special attention to see if players would run to the same spots each time down the floor, as that can be an indicator that they at least know where they are supposed to start vs a 2/3 zone. Nope. sometimes Shields is at the free throw line. sometimes, he'd just run down to the corner and spot up for a 3. sometimes Aw3 would run to the block. Sometimes he'd be up at the top of the key. its just bizarre because there appears to be no rhyme or reason to it. I think they are supposed to just look for open spots maybe? its funny to watch when 2 guys see the same open spot, so they both go there...and then there is a quick push away from one of the players like he's saying "hey, i found this spot first...you go somewhere else..."

you'd like to take solace in the fact that NU won by 30. well, it wasn't because we figured out how to play vs the zone. it was because PV is so awful, that they literally gave NU 10 points with silly turnovers and bad shots that lead to fast break pts for NU.

PV was WINNING 34 to 33 with 17:33 left in the 2nd half. they piddled the game down their leg and once NU went up by 9 pts, they pretty much quit playing defense. it was a layup drill for NU after that.

I really don't mean to be all debbie downer....its just the more i watch this team, the more I have to question what in the world Tim Miles is doing during practice. If every team we play from here on out plays a 2/3 zone, NU will not win another game. its that simple.

17 assists on 28 buckets. Much better.

true. wish they could have mustered one of those assists during the 16-0 run by PV. but in the final stat sheet, you are correct that it is an improvement over last game. and they won.....so there's that too. :)
THis team under Sadler and now Miles has no clue how to run an effective offense. We dribble down the court and have no clue what to do when we get there. Drive to the bucket and not even a clue how to even attempt to put the ball in the basket. Full court pressure killed us even when we had the one good year. Until we open up the coffers and hire a coach who was an assistant at a North Carolina, Kentucky, etc, and knows what it takes to be a consistent winner we will keep getting what were getting.
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It's gonna be tough for the men's team to hit 18 + wins now. I felt good about 20 + wins earlier, but after seeing the way they are playing over the last 5 games, even though 3 of those were wins(all 5 should have been wins) I sadly have run out of kool-aid. And with 18 games to go, 10 more wins almost seems impossible. Where is that damn kool-aid pitcher when you need him....:koolaid:

Nebraska Offense: No obvious pattern or set plays. Everyone lines up around the three point line and passes the ball to the closest player and then stands most of the time to see what the 2nd player is going to do. There are some rules for a motion offense; pass and cut to the basket, pass and go screen, pass and go to the baseline and replace yourself, if you pass to the left, cross the lane and come out opposite the pass for floor balance, etc. NU runs the same offense against a zone defense with less driving and more 3-point shooting. Use a high post for entry passes against a zone defense.

Nebraska Defense: Man all game unless behind with less than 5 minutes to play. They then might "man" press, but never double team the ball. They never change defenses but if they by chance do, it will be a 2-3 zone.

Suggestions for Improvement: Ditch the motion offense. Run some set plays to develop discipline. For example: UCLA high post offense, Flex or Spots offense, old Shuffle offense. Have a special play to run after times out! Don't run the same one each time. Perhaps run a set play for an individual player.

On defense: If man, double team on the pick and roll. Switch defenses after a times out; go zone for one play if you are playing man. Vice versa if playing zone, go man. Press after a free throw even if just a nusiance press so that the offense uses up 10-20 seconds getting into their offense. Place some zone on OB plays, mix things up on defense instead of man all the time.

These are some observations that should be obvious to any basketball fan. Watch some of the better teams in other conferences and see if they do anything that the Huskers could do and then ask yourself, "why don't we try"?
It's astonishing how Nebraska keeps hiring coaches that won consistently elsewhere but seem to forget how to coach when they get to Lincoln. Why is that?

Perhaps it's much easier to coach up great talent than the players we have. Given the success we've not had in hiring a good coach, we'd just hire another idiot after we fire Miles.


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