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Purdy N!

Offseason staff and player changes are worth +10 points per game next season....IMO.

With the 2022 schedule and an improved offense, UNL could be getting ready to run the tables or at least have a very successful season....provided the defense holds serve or gets better and special teams is functional/average.

The sky is falling crowd is not gonna like this...again...seems like I have said that several times this week

Why do you feel the need to keep saying this?

Again, I highly doubt those who are more skeptical of Frost than you (which is the majority) are upset with Purdy coming to Lincoln. On the contrary, that's a great get -- and I confess that I didn't think he'd be a Husker. GBR!

I hope you reel it back in and focus more on the team than fans you disagree with. We are all Husker fans after all.

The sky is falling crowd is not gonna like this...again...seems like I have said that several times this week
tHe sKy iS fAlLiNg cRowD iSnT gOiNg tO lIkE tHis.

I came to this thread to express my excitement and couldn't even make it half a page before seeing head ass stuff like this. For the 9,987,773rd time, no NU fan is rooting for Nebraska to lose. Don't be a simpleton.



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