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Ohio State Practice (9/25/19) Offensive Coaches & Players

Glad to hear Mo is go! Hopefully he truly is and it's not just pre-game misdirection. The Huskers will need him at full speed this week. Same for Mills and JD. If this team plays to it's full potential, they have a chance for the upset. maybe this is the game it all comes together?
The cream rises to the top. It is possible that in 3/4 games so far this team played to the level of their competition. We'll see if that is true this Saturday. That's what gives me hope for the upset, because on paper we don't belong on the same field as OSU. But that's why they play the game. GBR!
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The cream rises to the top. It is possible that in 3/4 games so far this team played to the level of their competition. We'll see if that is true this Saturday. That's what gives me hope for the upset, because on paper we don't belong on the same field as OSU. But that's why they play the game. GBR!

I think to some extent that is correct. A team that is not used to winning or a team that doesn't have a lot of upper class leadership can play to their competition level. Nebraska happens to be both. Will just see if they step it up a notch. I think they will, but I don't know if it will be enough.

According to this yes.
Was not on the participation report.

Wonder if they're saving him for a redshirt?

Also - putting him in the game in H2 as his first collegiate snaps might not have been the smartest thing to do.
Didnt Rahmir Johnson get a few snaps against NIU?
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Clowny was a better player when he wanted to play. Young plays every down hard Clowny took plays off.

Speaking of Defensive Ends, has the guy who chose OSU over NU because of a snowstorm (or something like that) done well up there? He had a French name if I recall.


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