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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked NU would KILL Texas, yes?

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I don't see how you fire a guy who is 8-3 with a bowl game left to play. They aren't great, but they aren't awful.

Texas seems to be a finesse team - not particularly physical.

What is their record against Oklahoma in recent years? This can't be setting good with the over inflated Texas egos. Oh, and I remember a team that fired a 9 and 3 coach.

I think we'd probably beat them this year, but I wouldn't be too shocked if they pulled the upset.

People that say that we'd lose because Texas has beaten us 9 out of the last 10 times or that were "cursed" are ridiculous though. Tom Osborne started out 1-9 against OU, I guess he just should've quit and given up right. :rolleyes: He went 12-4 against them after that, good thing he didn't believe in curses or quitting because a team "had his humber."

I think we'd probably beat them this year, but I wouldn't be too shocked if they pulled the upset.

People that say that we'd lose because Texas has beaten us 9 out of the last 10 times or that were "cursed" are ridiculous though. Tom Osborne started out 1-9 against OU, I guess he just should've quit and given up right. :rolleyes: He went 12-4 against them after that, good thing he didn't believe in curses or quitting because a team "had his humber."

Most of those games the Sooners were the better team. Texas pretty much sucked last time and came into Lincoln and upset us. This after we made this game the focus for seeking revenge for the previous year and blah, blah, blah. I would say more times than not we were the better team but they still won. Its the real reason we went to the Big 10.;)
Tom Osborne started out 1-9 against OU, I guess he just should've quit and given up right. :rolleyes: He went 12-4 against them after that, good thing he didn't believe in curses or quitting because a team "had his humber."

Had NU stayed in the Big 12, I think it would take the rest of my pitiful, uneventful poor man's life to get that series evened up with Texas. Unfortunately.

Texas is third rate in Texas now, A&M, TCU, then a toss up of Baylor/Texas/Tech they still have lots and lots of athletes just a very poor coach, these kids would go 9-3 with nobody on the sideline. I kinda like watching e slow death of Texas, I think their fall is a direct effect of Nebraska leaving the Big12 and giving the others confidence to separate themselves from the Longhorn Conference.
We are to Texas what Texas is to K-State.

No doubt.. I would much rather play K-St then TX for that reason, even this year. We had K-st's number for decades and K-st has Texas's and Texas has ours... it's a wild thing this thing they call college football... :wow:
Texas is third rate in Texas now, A&M, TCU, then a toss up of Baylor/Texas/Tech they still have lots and lots of athletes just a very poor coach, these kids would go 9-3 with nobody on the sideline. I kinda like watching e slow death of Texas, I think their fall is a direct effect of Nebraska leaving the Big12 and giving the others confidence to separate themselves from the Longhorn Conference.

And don't you just feel terrible for them :Biggrin:

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