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Northwestern Practice Thread: Friday 25 August: Nebraska Pep Rally

No, I saw it. I wasn’t directing it at you. Just seeing some of the same stuff. And while things seem different, for me, I gotta see some results to believe. I’m hopeful, but grounded. Also, I DON’T HATE SCOTT FROST. I dislike 15-29. How else do you want a reasonable individual to look at things? With a blindfold?

This is a practice thread not another 20 page Scott Frost thread



Seems you missed the word "hopefully" in my post and also missed the subtle jab at the author for saying what we should look for on SUNDAY. Maybe take your Frost hatred elsewhere for a couple days? At least let us lose first.
For the record, I’m hoping to see a fluid, well coached team. And if we see that, I’d expect this game to not be close.

No, I saw it. I wasn’t directing it at you. Just seeing some of the same stuff. And while things seem different, for me, I gotta see some results to believe. I’m hopeful, but grounded. Also, I DON’T HATE SCOTT FROST. I dislike 15-29. How else do you want a reasonable individual to look at things? With a blindfold?
#6. Dragging Up The Past
Remember that fight that you don’t actually even remember? She sure does. What.. But… That was two years ago? EXACTLY. Exactly what? What’s happening? Help….

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No, I saw it. I wasn’t directing it at you. Just seeing some of the same stuff. And while things seem different, for me, I gotta see some results to believe. I’m hopeful, but grounded. Also, I DON’T HATE SCOTT FROST. I dislike 15-29. How else do you want a reasonable individual to look at things? With a blindfold?
Right... Cause the rest of us are just full of glee about the past 4 years. Your posting history makes it clear you have no faith in this staff, and that's fine. But please excuse the rest of us for actually being excited for a new season and not being totally fatalistic.


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